Chapter Eight

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(First of all I want to let you know that I will be updating a lot within the next couple of days because I have Thanksgiving break! Now I will say I probably will not update then because its a holiday. I also have one more update but I have a boyfriend! I'm so happy because I've legit had this crush for quite some time. Anyways enough about my love life but I had to announce that.....Also for a "fun" thing for hitting 1k views but maybe doing a face revile? Idk I probably will do it so Yeah! ANYWAYS ILL SHUTT UP)

I glanced up there were many stairs. I looked up and very few people where climbing up it. At the very end there was a bright gleam of light. It looked heavenly. My mind was drawn to it. I started to ascend the flight of stairs.

The first few steps were fine. Then after about forty my side started to ache. I gasped, grasping my side, and letting out a raspy sigh. I continued to walk up the stairs when I started to feel dizzy. Little blotches of black and white were flying about my vision. I shook those away and I continued to step up. I passed a man who wore a uniform. A Military uniform. I made awkward eye contact with him, and he seemed to grimace. I averted my eyes away and then tripped.

"Shit." I muttered to myself, and then I slammed my hip--the same area where my wound is-- I was in so much pain so I must have passed out.

I'm not sure where I am or how long I was I was asleep; or passed out. I was in a beige colored room, and it smelt of extreme cleanliness. My mind instantly thought of Levi. I quickly shot up feeling a shooting pain in my side. I ignored it. I swiveled my head left an right, and there was no one in sight. I was so confused as to why I was here. Was I in a hospital. I've only gone to a hospital once, and it wasn't a very pleasant visit. That visit made me afraid of the docters. Not the place just the people. I'm weird like that.

"Ah! ma'am your awake." A soothing feminine voice hazily echoed. I averted my gaze to the sound and saw a female, dressed in a nurse-like outfit. It was an off-white shirt paired with a long pale maroon-ish skirt.

"Yeah? I'm awake? So what?" I sasses. Not realizing that I had an aching pain in my said.

"So ma'am I'd like to talk to you about your wound, and your current condition." She explains, "Your wound is seriously infected and when you tripped and fell–" I cut her off.

"Tripped and fell? Where? What?" I must have forgotten. I honestly don't remember anything. Well I shouldn't say that because I have a small recollection of it.

"Ma'am are you okay? You tripped and fell and passed out. A man from the military brought you here. He said you looked fimilar to him or something? I'm not sure. I'll send him in a bit. But right now we must discuss your condition. In my observations your wound seems severely infected. And when you fell not only did it give you a minor concussion but it also opened your wound."  I gave her a look of confusion. Ignoring most of her sayings. 

"Anyways so you want me to send him in?" She asked.  I stared at her for a moment loosing myself in thoughts and then quickly answering with a rapid head nod. She smiled and opened the current reviling a boy. He had rusty-brown long hair and a face perfectly symmetrical.  He had bright blue-green eyes and freckles scattered around his face.

He smiled at me and entered into the room. I observed his build; tall and built. Then I noticed it. His clothes. They were from the military. To be more specific it was one with wings on the back of his coat.  That was odd. I've never seen a military uniform that has wings on the back.

"Hi!" He interdicted himself cheerfully. He stuck out his hand waiting for me to shake it.  "My name's Ryan! What's yours?" He asked. I reluctantly shook his hand and muttered my name.

"That's a pretty name! Suits you! Well anyways. I apologize for being so head on but when you fell I thought you were dead because I saw that you were bleeding." He explained. That's when I got a closer examination. On his grey shirt there was a big blotchy red spot. I then realized. He must have carried me and I blushed just thinking about it. 

"I'm glad to see that your not dead. But man was I worried. Even though I met you it was just so unexpected to see you collapse right there. And so I had to see what was going on. Your lucky I had a spar handkerchief in my pocket I had to hold it there while I ran my way up the steps."

Then I finally muttered some words.

"So wait. You helped me? T-thanks. But many quite confused. What branch of the military are you?"

"I'm apart of the survey core! The one who goes outside the walls." Ryan replied.

"Right. But why were you down in the underground? I thought only the military police patrol it."

"They do. But after three thugs were caught there was quite a bit of chaos  and so I was patrolling making sure everything was in line."

Woah. Woah. Woah! Did he just say three things were caught?! That could be them! Oh no were they thrown in jail?! I thought. I must of had an expression of fear because he commented on it.

"Wait is there any chance that you know the people's names?" I asked my face lighting up in happiness.


I dropped my head. Letting out a sigh, and muttering some curse words. I thought I was so close! Dammit!

"Well. As much as I would love to chat more but I've got to go. I have a expedition coming up soon and I need to prepare for it. I'll come and visit you tomorrow how's that?"

"Seems fine and can you try and find out the names of those people?"

"Sure thing (y/n). Sleep well!" He waved shutting the curtain behind him. I smiled and carefully laid down.  I didn't realize how tired I was. But I was exhausted. Why though? It didn't seem to matter. All I'm happy about is that in out of that sick place. And I'm getting healed. Two great things.

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