Chapter Five

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I have been a little worried. They haven't been back for a day now. I tried to think of the best things, like maybe they are in hiding right now and they didn't want the MP to follow them back to the house. Right now, I just stayed quite, tried to not bring any attention to myself, and stayed in the safety of the house.

I was sweeping the floor, and dusting with Levi's cleaning products. I probably wasn't supposed to use it right away, but I did anyways. I calmly dusted the old wooden shelves, and chairs. I was humming a random song that sounded familiar, but it didn't ring a bell. I was in the middle of sweeping the floor and I heard a knock.

My heart dropped, I wasn't expecting anyone to be here. I slowly set the broom against the table, and opened a drawer, pulling out a knife. I hid

behind my back and slowly walked to the door. I was standing in front of the door when suddenly the person on the other side was banging on the door, almost franticly.

I slowly opened the door up a crack to examine the person outside. I widened my eyes, and opened the as quickly as possible to see a girl, around the same age as me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"M-my name...?" She questioned.

"Yes." I said sternly, "And, why are you here?"

"U-um...My name I-is A-an-na." She stuttered.

"And..." I trailed, looking for answers.

She let out a sigh, as she fixed her posture. "I came here because I thought this was an empty house. I need a home, because my parents kicked me out of the house for.." She stopped.

"For what?" I softened my voice.

"Being...pregnant..." She looked down and looked ashamed.

I let out a gasp. This girl, is pregnant? I looked her up and down, not in a weird way but noticed the small bump. "Oh."

"Yeah." She said, "I'll just show myself out."

I watched her turn away, walking away with her head hung low. Anna walked down the alley way. I felt bad for just turning her away, but then I did something unexpected. I ran out of the house, "Anna! Wait!" I tapped her shoulder.

"Huh? What?" She turned towards me.

"You can stay, I guess I was just a little to harsh. I--um.. I just don't know how they will react if they return." I said.

"Who's 'They'?" She asked.

"Not important right now, but you can come in." I smiled, and started walking back. Anna fallowed behind slowly.

"Thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me."

"It's no problem, for now. But that's not important now; we need to get some food in your stomach." I smiled. We entered the house, and I finished sweeping and dusting really quick. I told her to sit down, and make herself comfortable. I started to ask her about her pregnancy.

" far are you along?" I asked.

"About 3 and a half months." She stated.

"Ah. I don't know all that much about, well being pregnant but how do you know?"

"I haven't gotten my period for 3 months, and its pretty regular." She answered.

"Oh." I replied. I asked her other questions related to her pregnancy, and she answered them with no hesitance.

"So, who's the father?" That was a horrible question, I was expecting for her to know who the father was and maybe I could just give her to him to live with.

"Ha, funny you ask." She said, sadness evident in her voice. I could tell she was upset, but what. My curiosity was itching to know. I watched as her eyes averted to my and quickly turn them away. "So when's the food going to be done?"

'Did she just avoid the question? That's odd. Maybe she doesn't know.' I thought, 'Maybe she slept around with guys, so she doesn't know who that father really is. I know this is kind of rude for me to say but I am just so curious.

"You didn't answer my question." I tried to sound as if she was just joking around, I chuckled a bit to add to that effect more. She gasped, "Oh right, sorry." Before she started her story I interrupted," Oh, By the way, food's almost done. It's soup, but it's not high quality because I didn't get everything I needed."

"Oh. Okay, it's fine." She said. "Well, I guess before I got pregnant," She looked up and sifted uncomfortably in her seat. "I slept around with quite a few guys."

'How predictable.' I thought.

"But there was this one guy, that I particularly, liked to 'sleep' with." She continued. "His name was Isaac. I soon fell in love with him and he fell in love with me, and we did a lot of things older couples did. He was older then me though, might I add. And well, I eventually ended up missing my period, and went to go look for him. I told him and we brushed it off. Then I missed it again, and I went to go tell him, but I couldn't find him." Anna looked very sad. But why would she even think to do those things at such a young age. Honestly, I was disgusted with her actions in the past, but I also pitied her, especially with the next part in her story.

"So I went to go look for him, and I found him being beaten up, I tried saving him! I really did, but when the guys finally went away I saw him. Nearly beaten to death. And he and I spent our last moments with me holding him in my arms, as he slowly drifted away." I watched her as se started crying.

"Well, I am sorry to hear that." I said.

"No, It's okay, things happen like that down here." She explained. I stirred the soup, and tasted it so see if it was done. I was, but it tasted pretty bland because it didn't have any seasoning, because of our poor community. I took the wooden bowls and put soup into the both of them, also taking the metal silver wear, and gently placing it in the bowl.

"Here you go." I handed her the bowl, and she smiled.


"No problem. I'm just going to hang in my room, if you need anything call me."

"Alight, thanks again."

I walked into my room, taking my bowl of soup and slowly eating it. I closed my door and scoot down the door. I pulled the coin that Isabel gave me, and thought. I can save up to two dollars. I can do it. But what about Anna? She can't come along. I have to leave her. Well, maybe it's the only thing I can do. I can secretly save up, and then one day, completely leave her. I'm sure she can manage herself. I mean, she's practically an adult, I mean she's done grown up things.

I hope I can just one day go back home. I miss my family. I also miss Isabel, Levi, and Farlan. Even though I don't know them well..

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