Chapter thirty-three

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The past couple of weeks went by in a breeze, training and preparations for the on coming squad. The 104th. I've heard a lot about this squad like a woman by the name of Mikasa Ackerman and her unbelievable strength. Some say she may even rival Levi himself.

Although today would only mark a big day in those lives as official soldiers, later they will pick their branches. Until the arrival (that is if they even do) we prepare really early. It's the matter of cleanliness. And with the rumors of the camp potentially moving there's only more cleaning ahead.  In the mix of my thoughts I changed myself into my uniform and walked to the mess hall. On the way here my name was called.

"Cadet (L/n)!" A loud and boisterous voice barked. I swing my body around to the sound finding a familiar brunette roaming the same halls as me. Her glasses shone in excitement as she giddily bounced her way to me. I stop in my tracks as she skids to a stop.

"Yes squad leader?" I clasp my hands behind my back. Almost trying to hide a bit of my frustration. I'm hungry and I want food. The food here isn't great, but I want something to ease my starvation.

"I am very excited to tell you! But it seems your are busy doing something." She scooted he glasses further up the bridge of her nose.

"No, no!" I protest, "I have time!"

"Okay, meet me in my office after you've eaten." She says, thrusting a hand on her hip. I sigh nodding my head, turning on my heel. And heading awkwardly to the mess hall as she turns ways. I quickly step to the mess hall, holding my hands behind my back. My heart was thumping I hate being put in awkward situations. Soldiers were passing me, the sound of our boots clanking in sync. I hurry to the mess hall, and quickly eat the food that I was no longer yearning. Eating what I need and letting other's take the rest. 

I then walk to Hange's  office, knocking on the door. "Name and business?" The excited brunette asks. Practically  jumping out of her chair and almost knocking it over. I hear the chair stumble. 

"It's Cadet (Y/n) (L/n)!" I go to reach the door knob, when it swings open causing me to stumble slightly. 

"You're here!" She squealed, taking my arm, and dragging me into her office.

"I want you to join the mission!" 

"What mission?" I ask, tilting my head slightly. No one was told of a mission coming up. We just had a surprise one not too long ago.  With the discovery of a titan larger then the walls, along with the one with armor. Just thinking of encountering another titan makes me shiver. But I can't think like that. I am not a soldier. I have to devote myself to my work, for humanity's sake. Even though I made a bad decision and now I am forced. I wouldn't call it forced, that seems too harsh.

"The mission is the 56th exterior, Commander Erwin has requested me to ask you to join."

Sighing for a moment. This was a direct request by the Commander, and I feel almost as if I can't turn it down. I mean, a direct request. It doesn't seem like something I could simply say no to. On top of that, if he wanted me I must contribute some how? Do I perform good? I always thought I was the average fighter. The one to morn over those who die. The one to make swift moves, with little mistake be able to mess up and get a friend, or a member killed. The one who would get blinded by rage, only to be the one to be killed on the battle field with no improvement to humanity at all.

"Sure." I say bluntly, shifting on my feet slightly, "Who's squad am I going to be placed in?" 

"Mine." She say. "We leave soon, get yourself together."

I nod, and dismiss myself. Not a respectful part on my behalf but Hange is laid back and calm. She's not all fussy about Section commander this, Ma'am that. That's what is good about her. Heading to my room quickly I scan the room, spotting the journal that was placed neatly on the small table besides my bed. I take it flipping open a page. 

Oh that short man. He's quiet the looker. Man I wish I had the guts to talk to him but he seems perfectly fine with his two friends. That's not a problem, let them enjoy their time before they meet the eyes of death. I'm shocked I made it this far myself. I'm not a overly skilled soldier, but I'm not weak. I have what it takes to knock a titan on it's ass if I wanted to. If I'm being honest the man seems to scary for me to speak to anyways. I haven't heard word on his name, or even his friends but that's not important. What matters is their safety and happiness..

It's hard to find that in a world like this. Losing those close to you. You are unable to form proper bonds and when you get close to one it seems that fate doesn't agree and quickly snatches it away. I hate the fact that I'm writing this as if someone's going to read this. It's likely I'll just loose it or it'll rot. Anyways, that's not important. I mean If there is someone reading this I want this to be known. This isn't a silent call where I'm trying to disconnect you from people, or even quit your job as a soldier. No! You choose to be here and you shall devote your life to the people you know and love. This is a simple message for you to understand. Take time to enjoy the little things because those leave to quickly. Enjoy them because without it's nothing. it's almost worthless and pointless. Get to know that person who has been looking at you, take time to say hello to someone because in the future it may be the only thing that they are fighting for.

I close the journal realizing that its time for me to get ready for this mission.


Another time, shaking in my boots waiting for my eyes to meet the crazed outer wall. Another time where I would hopefully come to terms that death is right behind me every moment I'm on the battle field. Sighing deeply I turn and glance at the few soldiers behind me, flashing a smile to maybe ease their scrambling emotions. I look down at the saddle bag hanging from the horn of the saddle. In that little sack a small journal would hang. Being that Kasandra would bring her journal on expeditions, and missions I figured I could carry on the legacy for her. In honor of her death. From what I have read it seems she had a real passion for being outside the walls, for people, and fighting. She was a devoted woman. 

"Let the 56th Exterior mission commence!" Erwin boldly shouted, snapping his leg hard against his white horse. His horse darted forward, many others following in pursuit. I did the same, the emotions vanishing as soon as we left the gates. Lets hope I will see those again.

My eyes were greeted upon a world, looking the exact same as the one I was in previously. Although, the houses were demolished, huge gray boulders scattered everywhere, and well titans. Those damn titans, with their freakishly weird expressions. 

Breathing in the nasty, polluted air reeking of death. I grimace. Assuming that there are plenty of corpses here. It's saddening to just think on it. No time to think of that. Time to focus on the task at hand. Simply clear titans. Easy.

"(Y/n), time for you to split off." Hange, now serious orders me. Taking my small group we part off. We go into an ally way, clearing what ever titan come our way. This is seemingly simple, I mean, taking a group of soldiers and having them kill titans when being orders.

"(Y/n), Abnormal to our left." Says a soldier, drawing her blades.

"I got it." I say, "He won't see me coming." And exactly that happened. Swiftly shifting my body in the air to maneuver my way around to make my way up to his nape. I swing my arms to get a clean slice from the titan's neck. While in the air I look up my eyes meeting with something quiet unexpected. 

yall I am so so sos os os sorry for not updating. THis is wayyyy over due but its here. I have no excuses for this and I well are going to hopefully get going with this story. ANd also this is unedited. soooo woop D;

I'm so out of it! I'm tired! Okay im dead so good bye

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