Chapter Seven

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(First of all before I start the story I was to say something. OMFL WTF I HAVE 1K veiws?!?? When did that happen? Thank you SO much! I can't even express how I feel right now! Than youuuuuuuuuuu! I seriously started to cry. AHHH I'm such a baby. Anyways thank you and I shall get started with the story.)

I was laying down on the tattered blanket. I was in so my pain. My side was sore and it felt like a living hell. It's been sour a week and I was not quite ready to make my way up to the above ground.

My wound was horribly infected and I could  tell. There was puss around it, and it was blister-y like. The wound was surrounded by bright red inflamed skin. The area was very sensitive and the wound's scab could be touched lightly and the scab would come off right away.

I was terrified to admit it but I was dealing with an infect stab wound. The infliction could lead to death and there sure as hell isn't any doctors down here. I need to go up. But the pain that to unbearable. I couldn't just stand up and happily make my way down to the stairs, give the guard the money and walk up to the stairs gleefully.

Unfortunately, this dammed placed and it people would help the wounded if anything they'd still their stuff and run off.

I realized its been a while. My father and my mother probably worried sick about me. There was no was I could ever get back into the inside wall. Unless I join the military. That's it. Once I join it I could become a good fighter and go join the military police.  I could see my father again and I would be happy again.

And that became my plan. I started to ignore the teams my wound was giving me and I was going to gracefully make my way up. Join the military. Become ones of the top ten students. And join the MP.

But what about Levi and them? They must be down here somewhere. They might be hiding. But where? I they were they should be back by now. Everything was so confusing. There were so many questions to be answered.  I decided I was going to write them a note. It was going to be hard to leave them but I think it's for the best. Maybe once I get money I could sneak down here give it to them and they can pay to get up to the surface. I don't know it's a lot to do but I think it might be fore the best.

Dear Levi, Isabel, and Farlan,

I want to thank you for your help. You have been such a great help and wonderful company for me. You took me in and didn't leave me on the streets. I have been thinking a lot about how to make my way back to my father. I have decided to join the military and make my way to the MP. I know you probably don't like thank but it's probably the only way to get back to my family. I have gathered enough money to pass the entrance and I wish I could take you with me. I do my not where you guys are and I hope you guys are safe. Please if you get this please try to collect money. It's hard for me to part but it's for the best. 


I left the not perfect folded on the table. I let a couple of tears shed. I then gathered my cloak and k out of on. I pulled my hood up to hide my face, and I quickly shoved the money in my pocket, roughly touch my side. I gasp in pain, falling to the floor.

"Dammit!" I cursed under my breath. My teeth were clenched and I closed my eyes tightly. Why was it so unbelievably painful?'s a infected stab wound. I was arguing with myself in my head. Literally I was probably going crazy. I knew that if I take any thing extra it'll cost more so I left a lot of stuff behind. Also considering the fact I probably couldn't lift anything super heavy because of my side. I walked out of the house and closed the door behind me. I walked to the stairs.

At the stairs there was a guard. And a few people lined up. There was also a guy there collecting money then followed behind all of them there was a major staircase. In was on na zigzag-y shape and seemed to be a couple hundred feet. How could someone accomplish that? I probably couldn't because of my side. 

The more I thought about it the more my side started to ache. I was nervous. What would happen? I was trembling. I've been waiting for this. It's time I set my plan into action. It's time I grow up.  As k started to walk my way up the first small flight of stairs I could already feel myself wobble. 

I stopped and steadied myself. Continuing to ascend the stairs. I finally was in line. There were two people in the line and within the next couple of minutes I would be climbing my way up the stairs. Was I ready?

"Ma'am please pay." A manly voice commanded.

"Ah! Sorry I was lost in thought. Here you go." I give him my money and looked up as I passed him.

Here we go.

(Sorry for any misspellings. But yeah. I'm really tired so night!)

"Please Don't Go."(Levi X reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن