The phone call part 2

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The next day you went to work, zayn's coat over your arm. You had forgotten to give it to him last night, so if he come in today you could give it to him. You place the coat behind the counter and put on your apron. Another day! Around three, when you were about to pack up for the day, Louis ran in. "hey" you said as he came up to the counter. "hi, i'm back for the best coffee in (where u live)." He said adding a grin. You smile and look behind him to see if zayn had come with him. Your smile faten a bit when you didn't see him, but then you remember that you was suppose to serve louis. "so, what would you like?" You ask sliding your pen and paper in front of you. "to take a pretty girl on a date." He said leaning foward. (A/N): i know louis is dating elenour, but pretend he didn't) You stood in shock for a second, the pen fell out of your hand. "Y-you do?" "yeah, ill meet you here at seven, okay?" He didnt wait for you to answer and walk out and left, leaving you standing confused.

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