Baby's coming!

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5 months later .....

It was 5 days before the due date, you were very cant wait to see your baby. "(y/f/n) did you get the crib ready?"  "ya, i did but we also need to get ready for the baby shower."  "oh ok, ill call (y/f/n), (y/f/n), and others to remind them. "go ahead!" (y/f/n) said yelling across the hallway.


Friend: hello?

You: hey, are you ready for the baby shower!

Friend: calm down, and yes im ready got the gifts ready. Cant wait!

You: Me too! Cant believe im becoming a mother!

Friend: i know right!

You: ok thats all i wanted to say, bye!

Friend: oh wow, waste of time!

You: sorry *hehhe*

Friend: *hahahaha*, ok bye girl

You: bye!

'One down, a thousand more to go.' You said to yourself. A while later it was 4:30 p.m. Everyone was here for your baby shower. "congrats, (y/n) i hope the will look like you!" Your friends said. "awe thx guys, i hope so too." You said smiling. The baby shower was fun, you guys play games, talk to the baby in your belly and etc. It was getting really late so you help (y/f/n) clean the mess up and went to sleep.

The next day you woke up feeling tired and grumpy so you went to take a shower. You went to the bathroom and turn on the water. After you have taken a shower you put on a shirt and jeans, but you suddenly feel cramps and your stomach started to hurt. "AHHHHH....(y/f/n)! I THINK THE BABY IS COMING NOW! AH!" You said screaming ftom the pain. (y/f/n) ran to the room and help you up. You guys went to the car and (y/f/n) start driving. You were sitting in the back seat taking deep breaths. "are you okay?"  " o- AHHH...FUCK THIS BABY NEED TO GET OUT OF ME NOW!!!"  "hold on (y/n), ill call (y/f/n) to bring you clothes.

You guys finally got to the hospital and rush in. "my friend is having a baby." (y/f/n) told the nurses at the front office. "right his way." She said immediately. You guys followed her down the hall to a room and they told (y/f/n) to wait outside. "AHHHH...DR. I NEED THIS BABY OUT OF ME RIGHT NOW!"  "get the materials." The Dr. said to one of the nurse. "ok now i want you to push."  "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10" he said telling you when to stop pushing. "push again 1, 2, 3, 4-"  "AHHH..." You interupt him with your scream.

A while later....

*baby crying* "here's your baby" the nurse said wrapping a blanket around the baby and putting her next to you. "this is my baby?" You said to yourself. You were so happy for her to be in your life. (y/f/n) came in and smile. "look at this little Cutey, what are you going to name her?"  "well, i decided to take zayn's last name, so it's Vivian Angela Malik." You said looking at your baby again. "that's a cute name can i hold her?"  "sure." You said handing Vivian to her.

"she's adorable. She has zayn's eyes and nose to be honest, and she has your month and eyesbrows."  "(y/f/n)?"  "ya?"  "thx for being here for me and always there for me when im down."  "hey, what are friends for?" (y/f/n) said. " i wish my parent were here to see there grandchild." You said crying. "(y/n) dont cry they will always be right by your side."  "i miss my parent so bad. My foster parent had taken care of me when i was little but they had left me and went to the other side of the world." You said crying even more. "CONGRATS!!!" Your other friends said walking in with flowers. "thx guys!"  "can i hold her?" One of them ask and you nodded. (y/f/n) past Vivian to her and she smile. "hey there, im your aunty we all are." She said to Vivian. You were very happy that your friends are here to support you.

(A/N): hope u guys enjoyed it :D

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