But i just want to help

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The next day you came to work and saw Ms. (y/l/n). "hi, you just be-"  "shutup and get to work!" She said yelling at you. Why is she mad at me? You thought. you then started to work before she yells at you again. While doing your work you saw some paper that need to be sign, so you walk toward Ms. (y/l/n). "umm....Ms. (y/l/n) you need to sign some paper work." Just leave it there."  "ok"

A while later you walk past her desk and the paper wasnt sign. "Ms. (y/l/n) i really need you to sign the paper."  "your not my boss dont tell me what to do!"  "but this paper work is very important."  "you know what here i signed it happy?" She yell handing you the paper she just sign. It was break time now and you decided to go to Starbucks. "where fo you think your going (y/n)?" Ms. (y/l/n) said. "umm...its my break time." You said "well, you didnt finish the paper work."  "i can do that after the break."  "NO! I WANT YOU TO DO IT NOW!!"  "yes, Ms. (y/l/n)." You said softly. Why is she being so mean to me! I want Mr. (y/l/n) back. You mubble and got back to work.

Finally it was time to go home. "hey, (y/n) i heard Ms. (y/l/n) yelled at you." Said Briana. Shes your new friend from work and she is very nice. "yea, but i wasnt doing anything. She wouldnt let me have a break and now im starving! Why do she hate me? Like i just saw her today."  "well, shes mean to all of Mr. (y/l/n) assistant. I dont know why. Thats why Mr. (y/l/n) old assistant left, cuz Ms. (y/l/n) kept on yelling at her." Briana said looking at you. "oh....."

At home you were making dinner for the other girls because they were coming over. You then look up at the tv in the kitchen. "Mr. (y/l/n) from WYCA company had found his daughter but he still researching about her." Said one of the news person. You were happy that Mr. (y/l/n) had found his daughter, you wish that your father was like him, but you dont if hes died or alive. Dinner was fun, there was a lot of laughing and you were getting tired so you went to bed. The day had ended and tmrw a new day had begin.

(A/N): why do you think Ms. (y/l/n) is being mean to every assistant? Comment below.

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