Asking for forgiveness

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He knew that this time that harry had kiss you and that you didnt want to kiss him. "im sorry zayn, please forgive me. Harry kiss me, but i didnt want to kiss him back!" You sob into his shirt as he shush you and stroke your hair. " harry you bastard! She's my girlfriend not yours! Keep your tongue to yourself!" He yell, pushing you away and tackling harry. You stare in shock as zayn punch harry's face repeatedly. You heard the boys running out of the bus. You cant stop looking at the fight, so you scream for them to stop, but they kept tackling each other. You grab zayn's shirt and yanked as hard as you could. But he didnt even budge. You wipe tears from your eyes and did the only thing you could think of. " zayn if you dont stop you're going to kill him! And if you keep fighting we're through." His raise fist was froze in mid air and you heard all the other boys stop too. You stare at zayn but he didnt move. He was on top of harry but you knew he wasnt looking at him. You love zayn but what he was doing was ridiculous and would destroy his friendship with harry. You glance at the boys and they were staring at zayn, seeing what his option would be. Paul came out, and saw zayn on top of harry and paul's hand was clutching zayn's shirt. "what the hell happen?!" Paul said and louis step forward. "zayn and harry were fighting over (y/n)."

You grab zayn's hand and drag him back to the bus. You lock the bedroom door and kiss him, letting him know that you was his and nobody else's. He growled against your lips and pick you up. You wrap your legs tightly around his waist as your back slam into the bus's wall. You gasp but the pain was pleasurable. You threw off his shirt and his hands were tangle in your hair. He forcefully pull your head back with your hair and start to kiss your neck. You moan and close your eyes as you tighten your legs around his hips. You move your hands to un-do his zipper but one of his hand flew up and stop you. He gave you three hickeys and you knew it was on purpose. He wanted to tell the others that you were taken. "wait until we get to the hotel and we can finish what we had started here, okay?" He gasp against your neck and you shiver at his hot breath blowing on your sensitive skin. You manage a nod and he brought his lips back to yours  before letting you down and walk out of the room.

(A/N): plz comment what you think so far and VOTE!

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