Meeting Perrie Edwards

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Months later.....

The tour was over, zayn and harry became friends again. You and zayn were going shopping when you notice that zayn was talking to a blonde girl. As you walk closer you suddenly notice that it was Perrie Edwards, zayn's ex girlfriend (just pretend, even though it not real) "hey, babe who you talking to?" You said acting stupid. "oh, (y/n) remember perrie? I accidentally bump into her when i was walking. "oh, nice to meet to again."  "yea, she invited us to dinner tomorrow if that ok with you?" He ask making a worry look. "oh, no problem so what time?"  "how about 7:00p.m. At my house, sounds good?"  "sure,"  "so i got to go now, bye!" Perrie said smiling. "okay bye!" You and zayn both said at the same time. On the aay home it was silent between you too. Zayn tried holding your hand, but you push it right off when it touches you. " is someone feeling jealous?" He ask with a wink. You didnt answer him because you knew he was right, you were jealous. But you didnt want him to see your weak side. When you guys arrived at  zayn's house you ran to the door, opening it and running upstairs into you and zayn's bedroom. You jump on the bed with your back facing the door. "babe, come on you cant stop talking to me like this!" He said, laying next to you with a hand wrap around your waist. "oh i will, watch me."  "you know you just talk to me right?" He said with a little chuckle. "ugh....shut up would you?"  "you just did again." He said chuckling even more. ughhh....he's driving me crazy. Im a type of girl that get jealous easily! And mostly when my boyfriend is talking to one of his ex.

As time past it was getting late so you decided to go take a shower. You got out of bed and went to the bathroom, leaving zayn alone watching cupcake war in bed. After you were done taking a shower, you suddenly notice that you didnt bring your pj's. You then take your towel and wrap it around yout body and open the door quietly and slowly cause you know that zayn is out there. As you walk out zayn immediately look at you with his mouth wide open. You blush and walk to your closet, taking your pj's and walking back to the bathroom. However on the way to the bathroom you accidentally drop your towel and zayn's eyes shot wide open and mouth open too. He was staring at you up and down, like he's eye raping you. "turn around you pervert!" You yell, which made him laugh and smirk. You quickly grab the towel and ran to the bathroom.

While walking out you said "next time if that happen again you better turn away, understand Mr.?" You commanded him. "but why cant i see my girlfriend's body, your body belong to me, and plus your sexy babe i saw everything." As he said those last three words it gives you shivers and you blush. "shut up!" You said before getting under the blanket and drift off to sleep.

(A/N): hey so ill be updating the next chapter later. Bye :)

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