Natalie what are you doing?!!!!

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The next day....

"hi, Mr. (y/l/n)." You said holding Vivian in your arm. "hi (y/n) and this must me Vivian?"  "yea, Vivian say hi."  "why hello Vivian im Mr. (y/l/n). You are so cute."  "how old is she?"  "shes 2 1/2 month old."  "your so tiny, can i hold her?"  "yea, sure." You said handing Vivian to him. "she so beautiful and adorable." Mr. (y/l/n) said admiring her. "who does she look like the most dad or mom?"  "well, my friends said that she look a lot like her father." "oh, really?!"  "yea" you said. "where could i put Vivian?"  "oh there the guest room you can put Vivian there and then start working."ok thx again Mr. (y/l/n)." You said bringing Vivian to the guest room.

While you were working you decide to call Briana to check if Vivian is ok. *ring *ring *ring *"hello?"  "hey its me (y/n) i was wondering if Vivian is ok?"  "oh, vivian is fine shes just sleeping."  "oh thats great to hear. Ok thx briana help me take care of her."  "dont worry ill take care of her."  "thx, bye."

                 End of phone call

A while later you to pick up Vivian at Mr. (y/l/n) house. But when you walk to the guest room you saw briana on the floor and NATALIE trying to roll Vivian off the bed! "Natalie what are you trying to do to Vivian?!" you said yelling at her. "uhh...nothing."  "stop lying you bitch!" You said and then you began to hit her hard. "what the heck is going on?! (y/n) wat are you doing let go of my daughter!" Mr. (y/l/n) said to you. "daddy she start hitting me for no reason." Natalie said to Mr. (y/l/n). "its ok sweety. (y/n) your fired. Get out of my house now!" Then he left with Natalie out of the room. 

You started crying. "(y/n) i heard you got fired." Ms. (y/l/n) said. "i am not going to leave. It wasnt my fault, i was just trying to protect my daughter. Plus i need to find money to take care of my baby." You said still crying. "then why dont you give Vivian to the adoption place, then wait a few years to pick her up?" Ms. (y/l/n) ask rudely. "no, i will not give my baby to anyone! I dont want my baby to not have a mom and a dad."  "and why is that?"  "cuz....cuz i know how it feels not having any parent. I lost my parent when i was little and it feel like i am in a place where they keep slaves! I do not like this feeling at all but i have to deal with it!" You said crying even more. "i dont want my baby to be like me. I dont want her to deal with these harsh stuff that i had been through."  After Ms. (y/l/n) heard those sentences her face soften. "(y/n) i didnt know that you are in this situation. Im srry if i was being rude to you for the past few days, it just that  im scared that you might find a way to take all of the company's money cuz there was a assistant that did that but failed." She said sitting down on the bed and hug you. "ill ask Mr. (y/l/n) to give you another chance ok?"  "thx" you said and Ms. (y/l/n) rub your back.

(A/N): Ms. (y/l/n) is a good person after all. Plz VOTE! Thx :)

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