The surprise

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It had been a week you and zayn had been going out every night. There had been kissing and flirting, but most of all he had ask you to be his girlfriend. You guys were going out again tonight and you were just putting on your heels when the doorbell rang. You rush down, double checking in the mirror before opening the door and grabbing your coat. "hey gorgeous." Zayn said as you open the door. He put you in his arms and kiss you pasionately. Your legs went to jelly and you were leaning up against him. "hey, nice to see you again." You said, trying to catch your breath. "lets go, i've got some exciting news." You smile and you guys rush to the car. "so, what's the big news?" You ask as you were seated at your table at the restaurant zayn had taken you to. He grab your hands and his eyes were blazing with excitement. "(y/n), the boys and i are going on tour for about a month. " You suddenly felt sad and your heart felt empty because he was leaving for a month.

"oh." You said softly. "so that's why i'm asking you to come with me on tour." Your head shot up and smile. "Oh my gosh zayn! Are you really asking me?" You said. He smile. "yeah, so you wanna come?"  "of course i do! Oh zayn, thank you!" You yell reaching over the table to hug him.

(A/N): thats all for now bye! :D

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