Chapter 9

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*Troye POV*

I woke up to my phone ringing on the table beside me. It was my mom. I thought she would understand if I let it ring, so I did. It was 8 in the morning, she knew I would be asleep. I heard the voicemail tone go off and then I reached over to get my phone and remembered Tyler. I glanced over and he wasn't there. I thought he might be in the bathroom. I listened to the voicemail and walked downstairs. 

I saw everyone talking and mingling but the one person I wanted to see wasn't there. I then realized he might be at a meetup or something. But at 8 in the morning? I walked over to Zoe, and asked where he was. She didn't know, so I sulked back to my room to get ready.

For some reason I didn't think to call Tyler until now. I called, no answer. Well, I was worried. But I tried. I began to get ready and heard a knock on my door. It was Marcus. He looked nervous.

"Tyler, uh, told me to give this to you." He said to me, hesitantly.

"Wait, you saw him? Where is he?" I said.

"Um, just read it." He said while walking away.

I read the note as I sat on the bed.

Troye, I am so so so so sorry. I had to leave. It was a family thing and I can't say much. Just know that it wasn't you. My phone will be off for a little bit, but when I am able to talk, you'll be the first person I call. I promise. By the time Marcus gives you this, I'll already be on a plane to Michigan. Attached is a plane ticket for you to go to LA when Playlist is over. Please use it. I'm going to have Grace meet you at the airport and you will take your stuff and mine to my apartment. You will stay there. Please Troye. I'll be back as soon as possible. I love you.

I was in a state of shock. I read the date on the ticket, it was tomorrow. I had never been to LA before. Now I'm going by myself, paid by Tyler? This was really weird. But all I could do was read the last three words of the letter over and over. I told myself that I would use the ticket. I had nothing to do today, so I began packing all of our stuff. I didn't know what to think, but I tried to get my mind off of it and listen to my music.

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