Chapter 31

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*Tyler POV*

We pulled up to an abandonded building on Sider Lane and got out. He got out and dragged me inside and threw me down on the ground.

"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. What are we ever going to do with you?" He laughed at me.

"Jesus fucking Christ. Why the fuck do you always have to interrupt my life?" I snapped.

"Oh come on Tyler, you don't like when we meet?" 

"Oh my god, Nick, shut the fuck up." I really am not in the mood for any of this. 

Nick will never do anything to me, he just tries to "kidnap" me because he's jealous. I'm sure by now, Troye is with someone and on his way here. If he isn't, I'm assuming Nick stepped up his game and had other people with him. Hopefully not.

"Tyler, we dated for a year and a half. You can't just 'forget' about me." 

"Are you kidding me? You force me here to talk about the past? You are such an idiot, oh my god." Is the only he cares about the past? Oh god.

"You know you want me back." He smirked.

"Look, Nick, I don't want you back nor do I like you anymore. Get that through your head." 

"Tyler, just accept it." He leaned closer to me.

"Uh, Nick, what are you doing?" This is getting weird.

I hope Troye shows up with someone soon.

"Tyler, I miss you. Can I confess something?" 

"Um, I guess." What the hell is going on?

"I've been following you for the last week, planning on when I could get you all to myself. Is that cute or what?" 

"What the fuck! That's creepy! Who the hell do you think you are to be stalking me?" I yelled.

I heard the gravel outside move as if a car was here, oh god I hope that's Troye.

The door flew open and a single cop had his gun drawn with a flashlight, this is hardcore. Once I saw Troye I jumped up and ran over to hug him, tighter than I ever have before. I looked up and I saw Joey, thank god it was just Troye alone, I don't think he could have handled that, he's already sobbing into my shirt. I let go of Troye and walked over to Joey and gave him a hug too.

"Thank you, so much for helping Troye." I said to him.

"No problem, he was really scared. I'm glad we found you. He was so out of it the whole day. He really needs you." He said to me and pulled away from the hug and smiled at me.

I looked over at Troye, who was still crying slightly and I opened my arms so he could hug me once again. I was crying now too. We both pulled away from the hug just in time to see Nick being escorted out and into the back of the police car. As all three of us stood there and watched the car drive away, Troye grabbed my hand and squeezed, a feeling I knew all too well.

We called a cab to have us all taken back to the police station where Joey's car was. We decided to walk back in and see if they wanted to question me or anything. After I talked with the detective for a little bit, I was set to leave. Joey took me and Troye back to my apartment and I thanked him once again for his help. Troye thanked him as well. He really needed someone today, I don't think anyone could've done a better service to my Troye. 

We got back inside and sat down on the couch. I looked over at Troye and he was crying again. I pulled him into my arms and up onto my lap. I held him while he cried into my shirt, for the second time today.

"Troye, are you alright? I'm here now. I won't leave. I promise." I told him after about five minutes.

"Tyler, I love you so much. I was so scared today. I didn't know what was going to happen." He said between cries.

"It's alright, do you want to know what happened?" I asked, I didn't know what his response was going to be.

"No, I don't. I just need to know that you'll never scare me like that again." He said.

"Never. I will never, I promise. I love you." I said, beginning to cry.

We sat there, me holding Troye, him crying into my shoulder, me crying into his shoulder. I never will scare him like that again. I was so worried about Troye today. I didn't think that after all that occured, I would be sitting on my couch three hours later crying with Troye. I love him so much, I can't imagine my life without him.

After about 30 minutes of sitting there crying, we both decided to take a nap. It was only 3 pm, but we've been crying for at least an hour altogether. 

By the time we reached the bed, I remembered my phone. I knew Troye had it because it wasn't on the floor anymore. I didn't want to ask for it because this was mine and Troye's time. 

I slept for maybe two hours when I woke up and saw Troye watching over me.

"Hey." I said softly.

Hi." Troye replied.

"What's up." I said to him.

"I'm hungry." Troye said. I didn't realize how hungry I actually was until he said that.

"Where should we eat, I don't think there's food here." I said while I took his hand in mine, squeezing it.

"Let's go to Taco Bell." He smiled at our hands and looked into my eyes. I couldn't help but move closer to him creating less space between us. I loved the feeling of having Troye next to me, he was like a guardian. I looked down to his lips and back up to his eyes. Troye took advantage of this and closed the space between us and connected our lips. 

After we broke away, we got out of the bed. It was around 6 now, so we just grabbed some shoes and headed out, not caring about what clothes we were wearing. This is going to be the perfect Taco Bell date.

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