Chapter 32

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*Troye POV*

We walked up to the front door and Tyler opened it for me, what a gentleman. We both ordered our usuals and sat down at a table in the back corner. We started talking about typical stuff like families and other plans. I'd say this was a successful date.

We got back to his apartment and we both grabbed our laptops and sat down on the couch. The rest of the night was filled with a lot of tumblr, twitter, and watching youtube videos. Basically it was a typical night for us.

Before I knew it, I was being shaken awake by Tyler. 

"W-what's wrong, Tyler?" I asked, still half asleep.

"Let's go into the bedroom, it's like one in the morning." He said to me.

"But Tyyyyler, I was comfy out here. Oh well, at least I can lay next to you either way."

He pulled me up and I shut my laptop and left it on the couch. Tyler's was there too. I picked up my phone and allowed Tyler to pull me by my wrist into the room. We jumped right onto the bed and I immediately drifted back to sleep, but I felt that Tyler was still awake. 

*Tyler POV*

I looked over at Troye as he lightly snored in my arms. Oh how I loved this boy. I just couldn't get the thought out of my head that something would happen again. I didn't want to even think about hurting Troye anymore than I already have. 

I basically assured him today that nothing would ever happen again, but I can't honestly be sure. I want to be sure, but I just can't.

I tried to fall asleep countless times that night, but I couldn't. I gave up and walked out into the living room and grabbed my laptop and sat back down on the couch. I guess the Internet will have to keep my mind off of things. I really don't want to be away from Troye, but I can't just lay in bed and look at him all night.

I think maybe two hours later I drifted off to sleep with my laptop next to me, open on my tumblr tag. I always go to my tag for reassuring, my fans are always there for me and even if I haven't said anything about anything, they always know just how to cheer me up.

I woke up to the sun coming through the curtains. I checked my phone to see the time, 11 am. It wasn't like me to sleep in this late, but I didn't get to sleep until about four in the morning. I decided to walk into the bedroom and get back into bed with Troye. My mind was still scattered about, but I can't bear to be away from him.

I walked through the doorway and heard faint crying noises. 

"T-troye?" I whispered.

"Oh, uh, morning." He replied.

I walked over to the bed and lifted the cover and gave myself enough space to scoot under.

"Troye, what's wrong? Please tell me." I asked, looking into his teary eyes, feeling the tears coming myself.

"I'm scared Tyler."

"About what, I'm here. It's alright." I reassured him.

"Scared for, you." Wonderful. He has been thinking about the same thing as me for probably longer and I've just distanced myself from him for a night, just what he needed.

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