Chapter 40

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(A/N: Hey everyone! So you guys probably really want this fanfiction to go on forever, but I think this is the last chapter! I don't really have anymore plans for it, except for this last part. I didn't realize it would come to an end so soon! However, my TroylerPhanfiction will be starting soon, so make sure you are following me to know exactly when that will happen. I think I'll be taking maybe a 2 week break between now and when I start it, just to have a sense of closure I guess. But I want to thank all of you for reading! And without further ado, here is the final chapter for Troyler - Days to Remember!)

*Troye POV* *1 month later*

I was nearly finished packing before I went out to see what Tyler was up to. He had been packed for a week already, so he just sat around and let me finish. 

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked when I saw him take out his headphones.

"Nothing, just browsing tumblr." 

"Oh, I think we should go get something to eat, I'm quite hungry." I really was, but I knew he was going to say no, since he told me to finish before doing anything else.

"Are you finished? We are leaving in like 10 hours." 

"Ugh, fine, I have a little left. Once I'm done can we go eat?" 

"Maybe, go finish then we'll talk." He put his headphones back in and just left me standing there.

I trudged off back to the bedroom and folded the last shirts I had. 

My mind kept going off to all the memories we had made here. The times in Michigan, the Taco Bell dates, Playlist, all of it. I really was sad to leave the place I had come to love so much, but I was excited to see my family. About a week ago, Tyler decided to randomly pack all of his stuff, which was the weirdest thing in the world. He didn't actually tell me where we were going until a day ago. I was just sitting on my laptop and he comes up to me and just springs "We're going to Australia" on me. The thought terrified me, going back to my home after nearly 8 months of being here. I mean I always Skyped my family, but seeing them in person in the near future wasn't really on my mind. 

I haven't even told my parents I'm coming back yet. They might even already know, that is if Tyler told them. I actually doubt it though. 

I zipped up my suitcase and looked around to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything. I wasn't really one for preparing to travel across the world, so this was completely different for me. I've done it numerous times before, but this time was different. I felt like I was showing Tyler what to do, in a way I was. He said we would be staying awhile, so I had to go with him to get all the correct currency and power adapters and such. 

I picked up my laptop and placed it in the case, grabbed all my cords, my bathroom necessities, and my suitcase and walked out to where Tyler was and set everything down by his. 

"Did you happen to tell my parents we we're coming, because I haven't." I told him.

"Oh, no. I figured we could surprise them, we're arriving on your birthday anyway." 

"Oh my god we are, I didn't even know that!"

I had been completely oblivious to the fact that my birthday was two days away. I was turning 19. It all seemed surreal to me, the fact that I had made it through 18 years of my life pretty easily. Most people I knew, by the age of 15, were practically to the point of giving up. I found myself being the one to help them through those times a lot. It wasn't that bad, but when it came time for me to need support, the internet was always there for me.

Tyler and I sat and discussed how tomorrow would pan out for a little while, then left to get food.

I hadn't realized how hungry I was until we walked into Subway and smelled the chicken. We ordered and paid, then left. Tyler didn't exactly want to head home just yet, so we sat on a bench by a fountain and just watched all the people. 

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