Chapter 35

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*Troye POV*

I heard everyone laughing in the living room as I finished up a text message, then I walked out.

"TROYEEEEE!" Grace and Mamrie said at the same time, running over to hug me and almost knocking me over in the process.

"Hey guys! How've you been?" I said while trying to get up off the floor and laughing. Tyler walked over to help me and whispered something in my ear.

"Check your phone."

This confused me. I decided it was nothing and reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone, revealing a text from Tyler.

Not drinking tonight. I can't risk ruining tomorrow for us.

I looked up at Tyler who was now facing Grace as she poured herself a drink. He turned around and I smiled at him, mouthing 'Thanks, Tilly' in the process.

It was going to be great after all.

*Tyler POV*

After seeing the amount of alcohol that they actually brought, I started thinking. Did I really want to ruin the day tomorrow by being so hungover I couldn't get out of bed? Would I really want to do something I regret while hurting the man I love in the process?

I have to admit, I'm really, really tempted, but the way Troye looked over at me, said otherwise. He looked nervously over at me and laughed, as to hide the actual terror he was feeling inside. That's when he walked back into the room to get his phone.

I decided then that it might just be best to let Grace and Mamrie be our drunk entertainment of the night. I sent Troye a text, then tried to act as normal as possible.

But wait, what was I going to tell the girls?

Wonderful. I have absolutely no idea. The truth? I don't know.

Then my phone went off. I looked down at the screen and saw Troye's name.

What exactly are you going to tell them? I'd say the truth but then they might get you to have 2 or 3.

I felt really awkward because Troye and I were just standing next to each other and texting, while the two of them were already having a party on my couch.

I stood there in deep thought for a couple of seconds before I felt the need to pee.

"We'll be right back." I smiled at everyone and grabbed Troye's wrist and rushed into the tiny bathroom.

"What's going on?" He asked as I shut the door.

"Well, I need to pee, and I don't know what to tell them."

"I think you should just tell them the truth and refuse and drinks they offer you, or just say you're not feeling well and come here for a bit at a time."

I thought about that. Maybe it could work.

*Grace POV*

Tyler and Troye were in the bathroom for a little while before coming out and sitting down. 

"Alright, who wants a drink!?" I yelled out while Mamrie chanted.

"Actually, we have big plans tomorrow, so maybe just a couple." Tyler explained.

This was very out of character for him, but I guess we could make it work. I mean, he did say a couple. I don't want to pressure him into something.

'Alright, but you're missing out." I said to the two of them.

"It's fine! Let's party!" Troye yelled.

The entire night consisted of playing drunk charades, watching all of our old videos and laughing so hard, watching videos of other YouTubers, and even prank calling a couple people.

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