Chapter 39

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*Tyler POV*

"Troye, can we go to the ER? My stomach really hurts." I spoke out, I was in such pain that it hurt to even breathe.

Joey arrived around five minutes later and helped me out to the car. Troye sat with me in the backseat and held my hand. He didn't look worried, he shouldn't be. I knew everything would be alright, it has happened before. I never told anyone but my mom, she had them too. About once a year, we both get severe stomach pains and we can never really explain it. She's always joked with me that I get period cramps, but that isn't the case.

We arrived at the hospital and I hobbled in. Troye checked me in and then we sat, and waited. We waited for about 10 minutes until a doctor picked up my sheet and gasped. He obviously knew who I was.

"Tyler, same thing as last?" He asked me while I sat up.

I couldn't bear to speak anymore because of the unbearable pain, so I nodded.

"Wait, this has happened before??" Joey and Troye spoke at virtually the same time. I couldn't respond, which I felt so bad for, looks like I would be explaining a lot later.

I was given a room, a gown, and pain medication. I knew I was staying overnight, but the gown didn't seem all the necessary to me. 

For the next three hours, I drifted in and out of conciousness. I got to the point where I couldn't keep doing this, so I just tried to stay awake. 

"Mmm, Troye, could you hand me my phone?" I mumbled out of groginess. 

"Sure babe." I felt his hand leave mine and I winced at the loss of his contact. I soon felt the cold metal of my phone against my palm.

I opened up the messages app and began writing to my mom.

Hey, I'm at the hospital right now, with Troye. It happened again. Staying overnight.

I pressed send and locked my phone.

"Troye." I whispered and looked over at him, playing on his phone.

I held up my hand slightly and tried to look as if I was doing fine. I really wasn't. I knew that he wanted an explanation, so I was going to give that to him.

"Troye, look at me." I demanded, a little more harsh than I wanted, but it would work.

He looked up and smiled. The little shit.

"I am sorry, know that. But I just didn't think it would happen this soon."

"What? This? I'm not angry, Tyler. I'm just disappointed that you didn't let me in on this part of your life." He spoke.

"Well, I just didn't think of it, honestly. It has been the last thing on my mind for the last year. I just wanted to focus on you, without having the anticipating stress of this." I confessed, all of it was true, but I did actually have it on my priority list of things to think about during the night.

"It's all fine. Just know that once you get better, you have some explaining to do." He smiled mid sentence.

"I know, I'm just glad I have someone else here other than myself to help me." He grabbed my hand.

My phone vibrated indicating that my mom had finally replied.

Tyler, I am in the hospital as well. I'll be fine, you'll be fine. Give Troye my love, I love you. <3

I showed Troye the message and he smiled. The doctor walked in after that and gave me the same speech he always does. The night went on as expected, we slept, talked, ate, and just had a normal night. 

Another day to add to the days to remember list.


(A/N: ayyy, sorry this chapter is really short, i'm working on winding it down so i can reach an end, and then start my TroylerPhanfiction! I still need a title, so if you would be so kind as to suggest me titles in the comments, i would be forever grateful. also, i would like to thank everyone for reading. this truly has been a big part of my life recently and i'm so glad i had the opportunity. so thank you. well, i am going to go now, i'll try and update on friday, as i don't have school again! byeeee!)

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