2.1K 41 5

Hey everyone! So happy new years, I guess! It is 6 days late, but I never got a chance to tell you. Sorry my last chapter was so short! I'm a little stressed from just going back to school today, but I promise I'll have more frequent chapters coming! 

Also, I noticed I passed 16k reads! Thank you all so much! I never thought in a million years I would be getting even 100 reads. This story is so important to me, it's led me to do a lot better things with my life and I couldn't be happier.

Which leads me to my next thing! What would you guys think about me writing a second fanfiction? I would of course continue this one, but what about a second?! It could be either Troyler or Phan, as those are the two ships I am currently revolving my life around. Anyway, let me know what you think! I feel like it could be super fun!

But thanks again for 16k, it means the world to me. <3

Tumblr: t-oaks.tumblr.com

Twitter: @kortneyblank

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