Chapter 13

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*Troye POV*

Secretly inside, I wanted it to be from Tyler and I didn't want it to be from Tyler. From the tone of his note, it seemed like he was only going to contact me in emergencies, so, I was hoping for my sister or something.

When I saw that first 'T' on the screen, my heart sank. I knew this wasn't going to end well.

'Troye, I really hope you take me up on my offer. I don't know when I'll be home, I'm with my father right now. If I'm not at my house in 36 hours, call my mom. If she doesn't answer, come find me. I love you.'

I was panicking. He gave me a specific time to call if he wasn't back. This wasn't good. I knew about his father and all but, what would he do to Tyler? 

I didn't know if it would be appropriate to tell other people about my situation. I decided to keep it kind of bottled up. I walked over to the elevator, re-reading the message over and over. I came out of the elevator to Caspar and Sawyer ready to go. Sawyer saw the look I had on my face and it felt like he wanted to ask but he didn't. I was hoping Caspar would ask, since we're good friends. But I didn't mind. I just wanted someone to tell.

"Troye, what's up?" Caspar said to me, quietly.

"I'll tell you when we get to the restaurant. It's big." I said in a tone that sounded happy, which was terrible.

We walked into the restaurant and sat down, all three on separate sides of the four sided table.

"I have to tell you guys something." I said.

"What is it Troye?" Sawyer replied, looking confused.

"Well, I think something is happening to Tyler. Like, something bad." I said, heisitantly.

I quickly brought up the message while they looked at me weirdly. They both sat there reading it and stared back at me.

"We have to go." They both said.

"I don't know guys, I think we should wait out the 36 hours. I'm supposed to use a plane ticket he bought me to go to his apartment in LA tomorrow. You can come, but I think I should do this alone, I mean, you saw the last part." I said, unknowingly.

"I agree. This should be all you, but what if it's worse than you imagined?" Sawyer said.

"I'll call you guys. Then you can come out to Michigan. I've never been to Michigan before, I have no idea what to expect. By the way, does anyone have his mom's number?" I said.

"I do. She gave it to me last time she was in LA, we talk." Sawyer replied while putting it into my phone.

We ordered our food and ate, then we went back to the hotel and they decided they would fly to LA with me so I wouldn't be as nervous.

We all went to bed early and decided to meet at 8 the next morning. We would all go to the airport, and head to LA.

I'm not going to lie, I was terrified. I didn't want Tyler to be in trouble. I hoped to god that he would be there when I got there. But by the look of that message, I knew he wouldn't be. I didn't even reply out of fear that his father would see it and do the absolute worst. I went to bed and layed there for what seemed like ever. Right before I fell asleep, I felt a tear slip down my face.

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