Chapter 20

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*Tyler POV*

After we ate dinner, we headed up to my room. We decided we would stay there only a few days so we wouldn't be a burden on my mom, but I knew she wouldn't mind.

Me and Troye spent most of the night cuddling up and just talking about the past couple days. There were a lot of times where we got really deep. I liked this. We never really had moments like this. They were nice. Eventually we drifted to sleep in each others arms.

The next morning I woke up to Troye next to me, snoring lightly. I layed there for about ten minutes before he began to stir himself awake.

"Morning sleepyhead." I said to him quietly.

"Tyler, have I ever told you how much I love you?" He laughed while he said it.

I laughed and leaned in to kiss him. 

He pulled himself up and I did the same. We walked down to the living room, hand in hand.

My mother saw us and smiled.

"Morning boys." She said to us.

"Morning!" We said at the same time.

"I'm making pancakes. Then I thought we could take Troye to see Michigan." She said from across the room.

"That sounds great! You up for that Troye?" I was super excited to be able to show Troye where I grew up.

"I'm completely up for that!" He said, sounding even more excited than me.

My mother finished making our breakfast then we walked upstairs and had a shower. I spent the whole shower thinking about this little record shop where I used to hang out with some of my friends in high school. I really wanted to show it to Troye, I knew how much he loved music. He would probably end up buying records with whatever money he had left.

We stepped out and put on our best city outfits. We began to style our hair and once we were both done, my mom was ready.

We walked out the door and into the car.

"Hey, does anyone have music we can play?" I said to them.

"Oh, here I have a playlist I haven't listeneed to in awhile." Troye said to me while he pulled it up on his phone. He handed it to me and I hit shuffle. Once I saw the picture of Troye pop up on the screen, I smiled. It was a playlist of all the songs he has written or covered. I was so happy, and I'm sure he could tell I was.

"Oh my goodness, Troye, is that you singing??" My mother asked him.

"Why, yes, yes it is." Troye said with the biggest smile on his face.

"Isn't his voice just so beautiful?" I asked my mom, knowing her answer.

"Yes! Better than anyone I've ever heard!" She said to us. 

We talked the whole ride there and Troye even sang for us a bit. After showing him the sights of the town, we pushed my mom to the backseat so I could show Troye my favorite town spots. My mom was interested too, only because it was a part of town I went with my friends.

Eventually, I drove to the record shop. I looked at Troye as we got out of the car and walked up. He looked at me and gave me the biggest hug. I knew he would love it.

Troyler - Days to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now