Chapter 19

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*Troye POV*

We drove for maybe thirty minutes before seeing a brown van ahead of us. The police figured it was them. After following the van at a distance for awhile, it pulled over to the side of the road.

We didn't want to make it seem like we were following them, so we pulled over right when they did. After about 10 minutes we drove up and confronted them.

That's when I saw Tyler.

I saw the beautiful lavender hair and right when he looked at me, I broke down. I got out of the car and was welcomed into his warm embrace. I was shaking out of happiness.

"I see you've met my mother!" Tyler said to me. All I could do was smile through my tears.

His mom then leaned into his ear and whispered something. After that we all piled into the car and got driven back to Tyler's mothers house. 

As we pulled in the driveway, we made the decision to stay with Tyler's mom for a couple days so we can get back into everything. We said goodbye to the officers and they told Tyler he might have to come in for some things tomorrow, which was fine.

I walked through the front door behind Tyler and I couldn't help but stare at his perfect butt in those amazing jeans. He must have seen me staring because he turned around and waved a hand in my face, making me laugh. 

"Boys, what would you like for dinner?" We heard his mom say from the kitchen.

We walked into the kitchen and Tyler said: "I love how I just got kidnapped by my father and we're deciding what to have for dinner." I wanted to laugh, but it was kind of a serious matter. I was going to talk about it over dinner. His mom laughed though. Tyler then looked at me sadly, probably noticing the tears brewing in my eyes. He walked me out of the kitchen into the lving room.

"Troye, I know your upset, but I'm trying to make the best of the situation, alright?" He said to me,

"I- I understand. I'm just really really happy that your back." I said as I flung myself into his arms.

I stood in his warm hug for a little bit before he released me. We walked back into the kitchen and his mom was making spaghetti. She looked over and gave Tyler the signal to come over there.

She whispered something in his ear again, then he was back at my side.

"Troye, let me take you on a tour of the house and the neighborhood?" He said excitedly.

"Of course!" I said.

He led me upstairs into the room I assumed we would be sleeping in. There was a twin size bed and posters all over the walls. "This is my room." Tyler said after I looked around. "We'll stay in here." He looked over at me and winked. I smiled back and returned the wink.

We continued the tour into every room, bathroom, closet, everything. It was nice. We headed outside and hopped in the car. Tyler drove me around the neighborhood, showing me the houses of people he grew up with. It was nice, but all I could look at was Tyler.

"Park here." I said to Tyler, in a different kind of voice. 

"What is it babe?" He said.

I didn't say anything, I just kissed him. He kissed me. We stayed like that for at least five minutes. Once we broke away, we looked at each other, smiling so big. 

"It's been awhile." I said with a smirk.

Tyler smiled then drove us back to the house. We plated up our dinner, then talked about the days events. All we had to say about what happened is that it will never happen again. Ever.

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