Chapter 23

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*Troye POV*

Tyler and I were doing our hair when he brought up the point that we could be going down to the police station. I thought about it and figured this was the case.

I walked into the bedroom and saw the guitar Tyler had bought for me yesterday. I checked the time and saw that we had about 15 minutes before we were to leave. I picked it up and strummed a few chords. Tyler must have heard because I turned around and saw him leaning against the door frame, smiling.

"Keep playing, for me." He smiled at me.

I strummed a couple more chords before I started playing my attempt at an acostic rendition of a Passion Pit song. After I finished my attempt, Tyler walked over to me and without taking his hands out of his pockets, leaned down and kissed me. He broke away and smiled at me.

"We should probably go down now." He said, still smiling. He turned around and walked out and I followed him. 

His mom was waiting for us downstairs on the couch. She quickly turned off the tv and before we knew it, we were out the door on the way to the station. 

Tyler and I sat in the backseat together. As I was staring out the window, I felt him grab my hand and squeeze. He seemed really nervous. I looked over at him and smiled as I squeezed his hand back. 

"Will you go in there with me?" He asked me.

"Why wouldn't I go in there with you?" I replied.

This made him laugh which was good, he needed the relief. It was a really stressful situation. At least he doesn't have to face it alone. He had mis mother and I, and I think it made him feel a lot happier.

We got there and his mom found a parking spot. We all three walked in together and Tyler grabbed my hand. It seemed like a death grip. I didn't mind, I was scared for him. But we were going to get through it.

As his mother talked to the man at the desk, we stood behind and didn't say a word.

About five minutes later we got called back. Tyler's mom stayed behind and said she would be waiting for when we got back. Tyler's hand never left mine the entire time. We stepped into the room and saw two chairs at a table. We each took a seat, again his hand still in mine. The officer sat in front of us and Tyler squeezed my hand.

"Hello. My name is Detective Martin, I am the lead director of this case. I'm here to help you figure out why this happened and answer any questions you may have. Hopefully today we will be able to fill the missing spots in the puzzle." He looked at both of us and we had nothing to say. "Alright. So can you both tell me your perspective of what happened, starting with you, Mr. Sivan."

I was suprised he asked me first, but I think it made Tyler feel better. "Okay, um, I woke up that morning in the hotel room, we were in Florida at the time, and I didn't see Tyler anywhere. That's when my friend knocked on the door and gave me the note Tyler wrote me with the attached plane ticket." I pulled the note out of my back pocket. Tyler didn't know that I still had it, but I wanted to keep it. "This is the note. When I read the note I tried calling him but he didn't answer. That's when our two friends knocked on my door and asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner. I accepted because I had no way to contact Tyler." He stopped me to take a few notes. He gave me the okay to continue. "So I walked out and realized I forgot my phone. I got back up and grabbed it and I had a text message. It was from Tyler saying that if he wasn't back in 36 hours or so, to call his mom. So I carried on my day, going out with our friends and that's when they offered to come back to LA with me. I agreed and we were set to leave the next morning. We got to the airport and were sitting at the gate when my phone rang with a call from a blocked number. I got a voicemail from Tyler's father," He stopped me, asking for the voicemail. I gave him my phone with the message pulled up and he recorded it then returned my phone. "that's when I went and switched my flight, leaving our friends to handle mine and Tyler's luggage. I got to my new gate and this woman sat next to me and gave me a tissue because I was crying. I got on the plane and we began talking and I found out she was Tyler's mother. I still don't know why she was in Florida. We got off the plane in Michigan and drove to this house which I think was his father's house. When we discovered no one was there, we drove off to that little church, and after talking with some people there for a little bit, that's when you guys showed up." He finished his last few notes and looked up at me and smiled.

"Alright. I'm going to have to hear your end of the story now, Mr. Oakley."

Tyler sat there for a second before tightening his grip on my hand way more than before.

"Okay. But um, have you talked to him yet? I want to know what he said."

He looked at Tyler and opened to a page of notes and tore it out and gave it to Tyler.

"That's a summary of what I took out of what he said. Read that over and let me know if that's what happened." He told Tyler.

Tyler finished reading the paper and that everything was correct. Tyler then, before handing it back to the detective, handed it to me. I looked up at him and he nodded at me. I started reading it. He told me his point of view, but it wasn't nearly as detailed as this. I gathered from the paper that it was correct. I had more of a deeper understanding of what Tyler had gone through now, and all I could do was grip his hand even more.

We finished up and had all three stories straight. Since his dad was honest about everything, the punishment wasn't going to be as harsh. Tyler didn't really care because he knew that I would always come back for him.

We walked out and Tyler's mom was falling asleep in the chair. She stood up and we all walked back out to the car. Me and Tyler were set to leave tomorrow, and we wanted to stay home and spend time with his mom. As we walked out me and Tyler realized the grasp we had on each others hands had never once been broken since we had left the house at 10:30 this morning. It was about 3 pm. Sitting back in the backseat, we still never let go.

We got home and Tyler made his mom and I dinner, which was wonderful. We spent the rest of the night eating and talking until about 10. His mom had gone to bed soon after, us doing the same. The next morning, we would be off to LA.

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