Chapter 38

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*Tyler POV*

I woke up the next morning feeling completely drained of all my energy and like I just wanted to die. It finally happened. I was sick. 

"Troye.." I tried to speak, my throat hurt like a bitch. He didn't immediately respond, so I just picked up my phone and checked my social media.

"Morning." He said after about 20 minutes of me being on my phone.

"I'm sick.." I whispered, it hurt so much to speak.

"Oh my god, get away!" He yelled out, what a little piece of shit. I still loved him.

"No, Troye, I'm actually serious. I need like medicine or something." I spoke.

"Oh, um, alright, do you want some soup and I can run to CVS and get something?" 

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Alright, just stay here and I'll bring the soup." He said to me before walking out. I noticed his little feet patting away before I glanced at his naked body. Last night's events came back to me and I smiled and blushed.

"Troye, maybe you should put on something." 

"Oh my, I'm sorry. Haha" He laughed out. He didn't need to be sorry at all.

"Just bring the soup in, I'm probably gonna take a shower and see if I feel any better." I said before removing the blanket.

I walked to the bathroom and stepped in, letting the hot water run down my aching body. I haven't been this sick in awhile, so maybe it was good to get it out of the way now, before I told Troye about my plans.

I heard a knock at the door and then Troye walked in. "I left the soup on the table, I'm going to head out and get your medicine now. But what exactly are you symptoms?" He asked as I stepped out.

"Umm, sore throat and I ache, everywhere. My nose is stuffed up, my stomach kind of hurts, just get the thing that says common cold I guess. We'll see how that goes." 

He nodded and walked out. I was finished putting on sweats as he walked in to say that he would be back soon. "I-I'd kiss you but-" I cut him off by kissing him. If he was going to not kiss me the whole duration of my illness, he might as well move out. I would not give up kissing Troye just because he might get sick. He can suffer with me. He of course accepted my kiss, but clearly didn't want to, as when I pulled away, he gave me a look of 'I really hate you right now, but I still love you.' 

*4 hours later*

I laid on the couch with an aching everything and a sore throat that could kill. I wasn't handling this well. Neither was Troye, as I could tell he was getting bored with serving me all day. How does one take care of themselves in this state? I was grateful for Troye though, if he wasn't here I probably would be doing a lot worse right now.

It was now about 8 pm, I decided I was too tired to function. 

"I'm going to bed." I said to Troye as I got up off the couch.

"Alright, I'll be out here. Night." Troye smiled at me. He was probably glad I was done using him as a servant for the day.

I got into bed and picked up my phone. A notification came up from Twitter.

"@troyesivan: Tyler is sick today, I've been his servant the entire time. I think I have found hell."

I chuckled to myself. He wasn't getting away with this.

"@tyleroakley: @troyesivan love you too, satan. <3"

I attached a photo he sent to me on snapchat with him and devil horns and red eyes drawn in. He was the king of hell.

I heard loud laughing coming from the other room.

"@troyesivan: @tyleroakley OH MY GOD TILLY"

That's when he ran in here and jumped on the bed and I yelled out in pain, I still was aching. Thanks Troye.

"You still love me." I smiled at him.

"Yeah, but that picture was between us." He put on a sad face.

"Pshh, yeah right." I laughed. I pecked him on the lips as a sign that it would all be fine.

"Alright, fine. Let's just never speak of it again." 

And with that, I was drifting off to a deep, sick sleep. I hate sleeping when I'm sick, I always wake up in the middle of the night, but I got such good sleep when I wasn't awake, dying.

Sick sleep is like hell with wifi. Shitty but good.

*4 hours later, Troye POV*

I was sitting out in the living room for about 4 hours on tumblr before I finally fell asleep. I was woken up a lot during the night because Tyler needed something. I didn't feel as much like a servant anymore, I just felt really bad that he was so sick.

I woke up around midnight and went in to lay with Tyler. He was asleep this time, but he was sweating. 

"Ugh, great. Hot flashes. He's gonna make the whole bed wet." I whispered to myself. 

Around 3 am is when he woke up again. He woke me up and wanted me to get him more medicine. I just wanted him to stop sweating, but so did he.

Neither of us could fall asleep at that point, so we stayed up and just talked and sat on the internet. We talked about times when we had to go to the ER and were so sick we couldn't function at all. I learned a lot of new things about Tyler, but he probably learned more about me.

Eventually he fell asleep around 7 am, and I didn't. I went out to the living room again and sat on tumblr for a bit. Around 8 am is when I went for a shower. I stayed in the shower for awhile, not wanting to go out and do anything today. I felt really out of energy and tired. If I was getting sick too, I swear.

I heard Tyler calling my name so I ran out of the shower and to his side.

"Troye, can we go to the ER, my stomach really, really hurts." He cried out. He must be in a lot of pain.

"Uh, yeah, just let me put on some clothes, I'll call Joey." I said to him and ran to the phone. I guess it was going to be an ER day. Wonderful.


(A/N: hey guys! so i didn't really want to make a whole seperate author's note, so i added it here! i saw that i hit over 23k reads which is absolutely INSANE. thank you all so so so much! i honeslty didn't expect to even get 500, let alone 20 thousand!! i'm blown away by all the people wanting me to write a troyler/phanfiction as well! i think i will start writing it this week, but i won't be posting it until this one is over with, which will most likely be after tyler reveals his plans! but again, thank you all so so much for reading, it literally means the world to me! i love you all!)

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