Chapter 17

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*Troye POV*

We talked the entire flight about Tyler and how I was actually going to Michigan to see him. I didn't want to say anything about the messages I've been recieving because I didn't know how she would take them, being Tyler's mom and all. 

"So Troye, what was that message about earlier, when you were crying? Sorry if it's too personal.." She asked me.

"Well, actually there's something I need to tell you." I pulled out my phone and went to Tyler's message from before. She read it and sat there in shock. That's when I told her about the voicemail I got from the person I was assuming was his dad. She listened to it and confirmed my fear.

"Well, I guess it's us two against him." She said.

"I guess so." I said.

After about an hour, we finally landed. We both rushed off the plane and out of the airport. She thankfully had her car in the parking lot, so we rushed off to Tyler's fathers house. Once we got there, we saw no cars in the driveway. This set us off into a panic. She told me that there was this one church they went to once before Tyler was born, she always knew what that church meant to Tyler's dad. 

That was our next stop. The car ride there was completely silent. We pulled into the parking lot and saw a bunch of people standing around in shock. I got out and started asking people about a guy with lavender hair. They all looked over at me and said he was here about an hour ago. This caused me to start crying and hoping that he wasn't far. I talked to the lady that was in the front row after Tyler said what he had said. She told me everything he said about his father and how he was in the parking lot. That's when I heard Tyler's mom yelling at us to come over. There was this old car behind the church. She said it was his car. This naturally made me cry. I started yelling Tyler's name hoping he would come out of a shed or something.

We never even thought to call the police until now. His mother made the call because I was still in hysterics about everything.

About ten minutes later, a police officer was talking to me about all the messages I had recieved and he wanted to see them. I showed him the text and let him listen to the voicemail. He then brought Tyler's mother over to confirm the voice of his father in the voicemail. We then all piled into the police car to set out on a search. 

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