Chapter 14

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*Tyler POV*

I walked out of the bathroom with my phone in my hand, I had just sent Troye the message. I hoped he wouldn't reply because my dad would ask who I was talking to and flip shit when I said my boyfriend. 

I walked into the kitchen hoping to find food. All I found were books and pamphlets on the counter of LGBT and 'How To Accept Your Gay Child'. I was touched, yes, but the fact that he didn't accept or get me for so long just convinced me that he didn't even want to try. I continued looking for food then went and sat on the couch.

I picked up my phone and saw that I had a bunch of twitter notifications asking where I was and why I had left. I knew that I shouldn't reply, out of fear that my dad would see it. I knew he didn't like what I did with my life. I just wanted to leave.

My dad walked out with his keys in his hand and said that he wanted me to go with him somewhere. Naturally I said yes, out of pure curiousity, but I knew I would regret it eventually. 

We got into the car and he started driving. I had no idea where he was going. I wanted to ask, but I just couldn't. 

"Do you know where we are going?" He said to me.

"No, I don't. But I do have one question for you." I said, hoping he wouldn't ask what it was. "What is it?" Fuck. Now I have to get deep. Here we go.

"Well, I was in the kitchen and I saw, these um, books and pamphlets about, accepting your gay child. I was wondering, why now? Now, all of a sudden, instead of when I actaully came out. I just don't get it." I  said to him, hoping he would take a while to reply because it was still a lot for me to take in.

"Well, Tyler, I don't really have an excuse do I." He said.

I had no idea how to reply to this. I sat there thinking for about 10 minutes watching the road go by. I thought about Troye and if I wanted to tell him or not. 

"Um, I have to tell you something. It's kind of important. Can we like, get out and talk somewhere?" I said. It looked like he knew what was coming because he slammed on the brakes and made a U-turn.

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