She's here! -Chapter61-

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Chapter 61: She's here!

"Ouch Ouch" It fucking hurts like a bitch

"Just hold on honey"

"Zayn, I'm so going to blame you for this!" I yelled in pain once again because of these stupid contraction.

"If that makes you any better go ahead." He said squeezing my hands.

After 2 More minutes we finally got there, by then I wasn't even able to move my ass.

Zayn helped me to get out if the car as I was almost crying and holding his arm like my dear life depended on it.

Obviously the poor Zayn was struggling with me hanging on his arm and holding the bag in the other hand.

"Doctor she's in labor." He yelled in the reception when a nurse sat me in a wheel chair.

I noticed some of the patients were taking pictures of us.

I'm on fucking labor you stalkers!

I thought as three nurses wheel-chaired me to a room.

Zayn gave the bag to my mom who arrived seconds later along with dad and my sister, as well as Zayn's mom and sisters minus Safaa.

"Honey, how are you feeling?" My mom said walking towards me.

"Mom get this baby out of me!" I cried in her arms.

"It's going to be alright baby." She said caressing my hair.

I really missed my family.

But now I'm going to start a family on my own... how wonderful

"She's only 3 centimeters" A nurse said.

"I'm sorry baby, I promise it will be worth it." Aunt Tricia said hugging me.

I felt the urge to bite her shoulder

like no joke.

I quickly pulled away afraid of what my teeth can do at that moment.

"I'm sorry guys, but only the husband can stay." One of the nurses said. they nodded and hugged me one more time wishing me good luck.

Luck is my ass

Zayn was staying with me holding my hand as I screamed in pain.

"If I can take away the pain, and put a smile on your face baby I would, baby I would. If I can make another way so you can see a better day baby I would. Baby I would." Zayn started singing with his angel voice.

"Just hold on baby. We Can do this" his words were so soft against my heart. I knew that we can do this.

Well mostly I can do this but you know what I mean.

"11 Centimeters she's ready !!" Another nurse said as two male nurses helped me to get on the wheel chair.

this is it

They got me out of that room as another contraction hit and I screamed.

My family and Zayn's were sitting on the waiting area, when they saw us they all wished me luck and followed me to the surgery door.

"Hello Meredith, how are you feeling?" That female doctor asked me.

"Not in my best mood if you ask me." I answered and she chuckled.

"Alright then. Get ready" She said as I got into my position.

I want to cry

To bad cause I'm already crying.

"Baby. Look at me." Zayn said holding my chin up to meet his beautiful eyes.

"Push." He softly said almost in a whisper, as I did all I can to push. I was groaning in pain.

This is hell

"You can do this" he said again as I pushed harder and he smiled.

"Once again Meredith" The doctor said as I pushed that baby.

"I can see the baby's head!" A nurse said.

"Push harder!" Zayn whispered in my ear kissing my earlobe. I quickly responded by pushing the best I can whilst feeling so weak that I barely smiled when I heard that cry.

I have been waiting to hear it for 9 months

"I'm so proud of you." Zayn kissed my cheek and grinned at me.

"This is your baby." The nurse handed us a beautiful washed baby in a pink blanket.

"She's beautiful." Zayn said kissing her tiny little forehead.

I nodded.

"The name?" A nurse asked us.

"Stella Candice Malik." I said as Zayn smiled and pecked me on the lips.

She was so small though she was amazingly beautiful.

She had my green eyes and Zayn's dark brown hair.

She was our perfect baby




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The epilogue is coming soon.

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