Plain Black Coffee - Sneak peek

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Plain Black Coffee

Lily was a snobby rich brat who got everything she wished for from her daddy, all the boys at school drooled over her looks but regret doing so after getting to know her boring plain self. She was pretty like a doll on the outside, that's something she knew but she also knew that she wasn't special at all in the inside, so keeping a guy interested in her for more than a day was a challenge.
And a challenge it was, when a hot mysterious Batista started working at the local coffee shop making her drop all the fancy ones she was used to just to spy on him. Her new mission was to look and seem like an artistic latte while she was just a plain black coffee.

Plain Black coffee is available exclusively on Radish, the THREE chapters are free and out RIGHT NOW ! Two more chapters are going up for free soon, then if you enjoy the story and want to read it, it will be $0.042 per or wait 7 days to read for FREE !

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