|08. Broken Heart|

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^Andrea's Outfit^

I woke up to a door being closed and when I looked around, Danny was gone and so were his clothes. I looked at the bathroom and when I realized Danny didn't leave and he was in the shower, I got up and went to my closet.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was five fifty-nine, right on the dot.

After I dressed in bra and underwear, I picked up my clothes and put them in the hamper.

I fixed my bed covers and a phone started to ring. I wasn't my phone.

I looked at Danny's phone and it was playing the most weirdest song I have ever heard. I looked at the bathroom door and the shower didn't stop anytime soon so I mindlessy picked it up.

"I was so disappointed to not see you laying next to me when I woke up this morning baby", a girl's voice said.

"I'm sorry I think you have the wrong number."

"This is...Danny's phone right?", the girl said.

Before I could ask who this girl was, the shower stopped...I added the number to my contact list as 'bitch'.

Then I quickly deleted the recent call or answered calls to that one number.

The door opened and Danny came out with a towl wrapped around his waist.

"Who was that?", Danny said confused as to why I dropped his phone down when the bathroom door opened so quickly.

"That was Greg", I lied.

"Oh, what did he want?."

"He was wondering where you were since you weren't on the couch."

Danny didn't answer for a while and I stood there not saying a word, wondering what he has to say.

"I'll make sure to tell him I had to leave for special reasons."

"Oh don't bother, I already told him something similar to that."

"Are you okay?..you seem..different?."

"Danny, are you cheating on me?", I blurted out. Way to fucking go me.

"What? No..why?."

"Just wondering, I think I'm being paranoid, I'm sorry."

"Come here."

I went up to him and he kissed my lips before pulling away.

"I'm not cheating, there's only you, just you, no one else, I love you", he said. Yeah fucking right.

"I love you too", my heart just broke.

"Good, now go get dressed", he smiled before smacking my ass.

I went into the closet , closed the door behims me ans changed into a sunflower shirt, a black skirt, white shoes, and a bow to go into my hair.

After I was don't changing, I leaned against the door and cried.

How could Danny do this to me? Why are men such assholes?

I wiped them away and walked out of the closet and put on a fake smile as I walked past Danny to the bathroom to do my makeup, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and my lipstick.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to my dresser where I put my car keys.

I checked the time on my phone, it was six thirty, thirty more minutes until school starts.

"I'm gonna wait downstairs Danny!", I rushed down the stairs to see Eric and Skylar sitting on the couch on there phones.

"Get up, let's go."

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