|42. Gang Meet Up|

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^Rowan in his suit...😍^

Rowan's POV


After leaving Andy's house, we went back to the warehouse to change and get the duffel bags full of drugs. The boys change to rip saggy jeans and a hoodie or sweatshirt.

I was downstairs eating a bowl of cereal while I waited on them. Ten minutes passes by and they all come downstairs to quickly eat a bowl of cereal.

"We don't have shit to eat" Carson closed the fridge after grabbing the milk carton, taking the last bit of it.

"Who's turn is it to go food shopping?" I ask.

"It's yours boss, I went last time" Tony said.

"I'll do that after getting my tux or something" I place my bowl in the sink.

The boys look at each other like they were having a secret conversation about something.

I look at them and they soon look at me. "What's going on boys?."

They don't say anything but give each other a look which makes me raise a eyebrow, wanting to know what they aren't telling me.

"Just tell him" Carson motioned to me from Austin.

"Tell me what?" I ask becoming more impatient.

"We've been talking and were wondering if it would be cool if we actually lived in a...house" Austin spoke up.

"Okay, what do you guys have in mind?" I ask and they look at me confused.

"Your serious?" Tony asked shocked.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?."

"Maybe it's because this warehouse has been in your family since the beginning of the Vipers, I thought this question would lead to a argument."

"I'm actually pretty tired of living in this dump."

"So are we, so we were thinking about living in a actual house."

"A house? Why not a apartment?" I ask.

"We have more then enough money for it and a apartment isn't enough living space also because a house is like a upgrade from this dump" Carson chuckled.

"Alright, we can go tommorow" I smile at them.

"Actually... we already looked and we found the perfect one" Tony said excitedly, pulling his phone out to show the pictures.

"We haven't made a offer on it but no one has claimed it yet and we think it would be perfect for us."

"Alright, make the offer" I said and they smiled. "Hurry up and eat so we can get this fucking deal over with" I run my hands through my hair.

"You got it boss" they eat the rest of their food and place it in the sink.

We get into one of our vans and drive off to the first deal.
Secret Location

We park the car and get out with the duffel bags and walk into the old and abandoned factory.

"It's about time you shit heads got here, I've been waiting and I simply do not like waiting."

"Does it look like I give a shit about what you do and do not like?."

He looked at me with a small smirk.

"You sure do have a temper" He chuckled.

"It's mostly because fuckers like you aren't worth my time" I say and he chuckled harder.

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