Girl Power!

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Do you really want to know what this is all about?
I need to be heard after you shut me out.
Have I got your attention, can you feel my beat?
I'll teach you a lesson, it'll be my treat.
You can't confine this girl to a cage,
Can't make me perform tricks up onstage.
Guess what? I wasn't born to be your slave,
Maybe I can teach you how a gentleman behaves.
A/N: Another poem that originally started out as song lyrics. Discrimination against females has been a huge part of history, but that's all it should be; history. Unpawtunatly, it still exists in society today. Even if a man and woman have the same qualifications at the same job, the man will get the higher wage just because he's male! How messed up is that? Everyone thinks girls are weak and belong at home doing all the work. Newsflash, this is a different century! And there's nothing a man can do that a woman can't! Sorry to any males who are reading this, this isn't specifically targeted at you, and I'm sure you'd agree with me and just about everyone in the world who's addressed this issue. But this whole gender inequality against women is cowardly, cruel and wrong. And women are starting to think this way as well! Female empowerment, people! You girls out there are all amazing and beautiful in your own special, unique way.
Wow, that came out of nowhere. Thanks for reading this, please express your opinion in the comments. I look paward to anything you happen to write :)

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