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I know the rules,
To all your games.
And I can play the part,
On your little stage.
I know all the lyrics,
To your favourite songs,
So why can't you hear me singing along?
A/N: Inspired by the song 'Human', by Christina Perri, and that feeling of trying your hardest for someone but still being overlooked. I intended for this poem to be longer, but I feel it says all it needs to in this amount of words. Thanks once again for reading, and I hoped you enjoyed it.
Also, on a different note, THIS IS THE FIFTIETH PART OF THIS BOOK!! Yep, in the last six months (and one day, as I started this book on the 13th of July), I've published forty-eight poems, one note bepaw hand and one quote by me (I think). Let me know down in the comments what your favourite part has been so far. Thanks for being here for fifty parts of One Girl's Words :). I can't wait to see what the future holds. <3

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