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Every construction has a purpose.
I built my walls for a reason;
To keep people out,
To stop others hurting me, and me hurting them.
But I'm doubting this more and more,
After I met you.
I silently sit here,
And will you to try and break them down.
I want you here,
But you're gone the next minute.
All I can do is wait around,
Without breaking down.
A/N: A relatable poem for me. I'd definitely say I have walls, which I have for a purpose. But there are times when I wish people would try to break them down. It's a weird feeling. But then again, feelings in general are pretty strange...
I'm trying out a few different poetry styles, and am trying shorter poems rather than longer ones. What type of poems do you like? Let me know down in the comments. I hope you enjoyed it, please vote and have a nice day Chicas! Byeee.

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