Seasonal Haikus

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A/N: I found some old haikus I wrote back in primary school, so I thought it would be fun to publish them. I feel like my writing's taken a bit of a dark, personal twist, so these are here to lighten the mood a bit. I understand that dark magic is something that certain poetry is written to emit, but I feel like I've taken an uncomfortable turn in my writing. So, I'm going to stop typing before i confuse myself, and give you these haikus. Hope you enjoy! :)
Also, if you don't know, a haiku is a style of poetry originating in Japan. It consists of only three lines, the first being five syllables, then seven, then five.

Coloured blooming buds,
Honey bees carting nectar,
Sweet juice of berries.

Refreshing cold treats,
Children blow dandelions,
Light nights in Summer.

Golden leaves falling,
Piles of Autumn beauty,
Splashes of sunshine.

Snuggle open flames,
Delicate snowflakes falling,
None of them the same.

The Autumn one is my favourite. Let me know which is yours in the comments. :)

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