A Drugged Up Existence

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Ignorance is a blessing,
Why live reality's nightmares when you have dreams at your disposal?
Surrealism is addictive,
I know this after being enslaved to your opiate hallucinogens.
It's all a trick, all a mirage,
A haze induced by your own insanity.
Blinded by the glossy fake shine,
I can now see,
That it really is too good to be true.
Give me a dose of reality,
Bring my head back down from the clouds.
Unlock me from my prison of bliss,
I no longer ask for this material world.
As much as I yearn to stay here forever,
I know it is futile to wish for such frivolous things.
It is the brightest stars of all,
That come to the most magnificent ends.
Dreams may not always come true,
But life still goes on.
Smoke and mirrors may dissipate and shatter,
But time still goes on.
Even the most perfect picture may eventually fade,
But reality remains forever.
A/N: This is how I feel in life sometimes, when I'm too caught up in my own delusional fantasy to do anything, and having to force myself back to reality. There are times where people wish life was more like it was in their heads, where they're the centre of attention, or that special someone would notice them, or all their problems went away, or they could be the hero they'd always wanted to be. But, it's in these little reality check moments that they realise how amazing their life already is, even though it'll never be picture perfect, and how grateful they are to have it.
On a side note, this is amazing. I've been having so much inspiration lately! Has this been... six updates in the last week? That's insane! I hope you guys like it, and thanks for reading. I look forward to any votes and/or comments. See you later Chicas! :)

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