Questions Without Answers

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What happened to you?
Why did you change and I didn't?
Or have you always been this way?
Why do I miss you?
Do you miss me?
Why didn't I open my mouth when I have the chance?
What goes through your head when you see me?
What do you think when you hear my name?
Do you still care?
Why do I care enough to ask myself these questions?
Will I ever get answers,
When I finally have something to say?
A/N: Yeah, I know this doesn't count as a poem, but it's still the words of one girl. Wow, two spells cast in one day. More magic for you people! Yay! I don't know what magical effect this spell will have on you, since it's mainly relatable to me. But still, thanks for reading my magic, votes and comments are always appreciated, lots of love to you all, and enjoy!

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