Always There

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For once in my life I could relax for a moment,
Even trip up once or twice.
But, as I've always known,
Everyone is always watching,
And I can't ever just 'let go'.
I know it doesn't hurt you,
To you it's no big deal,
And I'm sorry for feeling things deeper.
But believe me,
I try to let it go,
Seeing as it doesn't hurt you.
But of course it wouldn't,
You're perfect.
A/N: Does anyone else have that problem when your creativity only works at its best when you are unable to write? Because that seems to be me all the time. I have an idea, wait until I can write it down and then it's gone. -_-
Anyways, hope you enjoyed my latest update. Votes and/or comments are greatly appreciated , and thanks to all my readers. Bye! (:

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