Counting My Blessings

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The sun shines down and smiles at me,
And the stars watch over while I dream.
The sky is blue and the grass is green,
Trees bud with new blooms and water rushes through streams.
The shade gives me its sheltering embrace,
And the gentle breeze blows kisses that touch my face.
With a roof over my head and a place to call my own,
How grateful I am to have a home.
I'm surrounded by many forms of beauty and art,
So many wonderful things to fill my heart.
There's Someone above who will always care,
And I know my friends will forever be there.
My family offer their love and support,
And with them I always be happy to consort.
My best friends are with me every step of the way,
We're inseparable, together we will stay.
I'm free to learn, to play, to speak,
I don't have to hide, I'm allowed to seek.
I've been given privileges, and I've been given rights,
And I'm able to sleep safely at night.
The water from my tap is safe to drink,
I even have my own time and space to think.
There are some things in life we take for granted,
Because each of us have been blessed and enchanted.
Remember to talk, remember to listen,
And appreciate this gift you have been given.
A/N: A happy poem for all you Chicas, because who couldn't benefit from stopping to count their blessings every once in a while? I send you all virtual hugs along with this little piece of magic. *virtual hugs* You can't feel the hug, but it's there.
Have I seriously updated four times in the last 24 hours?! Wow, that's amazing! What do you guys think of all these updates? Are you enjoying them? Is there any specific type of magic that you enjoy? Let me know in the comments, and please vote. Hope you all have a magical day, and remember to stop and count your blessings. Bye! :) <3

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