Chapter 5

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Charlie's POV:
I grunt and put my hand through my hair messing it up more than it already was. I head back to the beach and grab my stuff and run to my car. I hop in and drive to her house. I get to the door and find it locked. I rummage through my keys and unlock the door with the key she forgot to get from me and walk into the living room. I see the little girl coloring and sit down on the couch.

"Charlie!" She yells and jumps up and down.

"Shhh!" I say and she nods. I hear sobbing coming from upstairs and realize this might be the only time I have with her.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Marlie." She says. I smile and push some of her brown hair away from her face.

"What are you drawing?" I ask pointing to her crayon.

"You." She says and hands me her book. The page has a yellow stick figure with short brown hair next to an even smaller figure with long brown hair. I flip backwards and see my name on her pages and crazy scribbles. The front page has Meghan's writing and a little note to Marlie. I smile at her and she grabs her crayons and starts to color in my lap. I smile down at her and kiss her forehead.

"So how do you know how I am?" I ask, hoping Meghan at least told her about me. She looks up and points to my eyebrow.

"How did that happen?"

"It's a scar from when I was little." I say and hold her in my arms. She nods and continues coloring.

"I was watching TV and you were singing. Can you sing me a song?" She asks. I nod sadly that she doesn't know who I really am and start to sing "One Call Away". Marlie sets her book down and falls asleep on my chest to my voice. Just like Meghan. I start to tear up and then I hear her angel sweet voice.

"Marlie what do you want for din-" Meghan starts. I turn towards that area and see her crying next to Jordon.

"Meghan I'm sorry. I really am. It was an accident and-and I want to continue our relationship." I say. Meghan sighs and sits down on the couch and Jordon follows.

"It won't happen right now. You need to earn my trust back and I need to love you again." She says and I nod. Jordon whispers something to her and she nods. Even though she isn't directly next to me, it's still a step up from earlier. We just sit there watching television for awhile and Meghan decides to order pizza. A few minutes later the doorbell rings and Biggie barks waking Marlie up.

"I'll get it!" She yells and jumps off of me and runs to the door with Meghan walking behind her. I hear the door open and walk towards it but stop in my tracks when my phone rings. I check the caller ID and head into the bathroom to answer it.

Mommy? [Marlie] (Slow Updates)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt