Chapter 14

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Month 2: Day 18:
Charlie's POV:
I dreadfully get out of my bed after my alarm screams at me. I quickly shut it up and head to the bathroom. The rain pounding on my house and thunder rolling by, doing nothing to help me wake up. I splash my face with water and look up into the mirror. Another day with Meghan and Marlie. Another day not confessing my true feelings. I quickly wash up and shave and head back into my room to get dressed. I head over to my dresser and find the small velvet box on top. Meghan's, unknown to her, ring lays in it glistening. I let out a shaky breath when I touch it and sigh. I need to confess my feelings. I get dressed in a plain black, slightly ripped, t-shirt and jeans and head downstairs. The poring rain outside making me anxious. I grab my coat and head outside and into my car. I quickly start up the engine and head to her house. I park and check the time, realizing I'm early, I sit for a few minutes. I just realized with the rush this morning I forgot breakfast or coffee. What the heck, I'll just go inside. I run up the driveway and over to her porch. I knock and pick my coat up to cover myself from the rain. I hear the door unlock and I step in. I peel my coat off my shivering body and take off my shoes. When I finally look at Meghan, I see she is only wearing my old shirt and some underwear.

"You're twenty minutes early and I was deciding what to wear when you knocked." She says noticing my gaze.

"I'll go get ready-" she starts but then I push her up against the door. I kiss her with so much passion and surprisingly, she kisses back. She wraps her arms around my neck like she used to do and I groan a little. She wraps her legs around my waist and I move my hands to under her thighs to support her. My fingers are able to touch her pantyline and I feel the lace ones she always wore around me to make me want her.

"I..... missed........ this." I breathe out. She smiles and nods. I carry her to the living room and we collapse on the couch. I quickly take off my pants and I am back on her.

"Charlie..... Charlie...... wait....." She says and pulls her fingers through my hair.

"Meghan... I can't wait any longer. Five years is too long without your touch." I reply and kiss her again. I am just about to pull off her panties when we hear a faint voice.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Marlie squeaks.

Meghan's POV:
I grab the closest thing to me, a blanket, and throw it on top of me. I sit up and Charlie gets off of me.

"Marlie, you're awake!" I say and smile.

"Why was Daddy on top of you?" She asks looking at Charlie putting on his clothes. I blush and look to Charlie.

"Charlie... Um, we..... we, were....." I try thinking of an excuse.

"Mommy was scared of the storm so I hugged her." Charlie replies and lifts her up.

"Oh, okay." She says and smiles.

"Want to play with Doctor Barbie?" He asks her and winks at me. I blush again and hold the blanket tighter to my chest.

"Yeah!" Marlie yells and they head upstairs. I sigh in relief and get dressed. I almost had sex with Charlie. What am I doing? I can't. I won't let him hurt me again. But, his touch and his smile and his hair. Ugh. He is my McDreamy and McSteamy. God, I need to stop watching Grey's Anatomy. It isn't good for my lack of sex. I quickly pull on my panties and make my way back up stairs. I keep his old shirt on and throw on some jogging pants. I throw my hair into a bun and forget about doing my makeup. I need to make Charlie not like me anymore and find someone else. It won't be easy but it needs to be done.

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