Chapter 9

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Meghan's POV:
I turn to Marlie and see her on the couch playing with her dolls. I cry silently at the thought that I might lose her. She's my everything. Yes, I still have my family and friends, but I raised her. Every time I look at her my heart swells with love and I smile. She keeps my emotions in check. Jordon comes over and wraps her slender arms around me. She squeezes me tightly, hugging me, and keeps repeating words of encouragement. But not a billion "it will be okay"s could ever make it better. I thought Charlie loved me. I believed him when he said he wanted to start our relationship again. But he lied, just like he does. every. single. time. I stand up and storm out of my house with my car keys and papers in my hand. I get into my car and race over to Charlie's house, hoping he hasn't moved yet. I park in his driveway and see his car parked next to a red convertible, good he's here. I run up the steps and bang on his door.

Charlie's POV:
I run to the door after hearing it forcefully banged on.

"Hello?" I say and look down at the person before me due to our height difference. That very person is the lovely, Meghan Trainor.

"What the fuck are these?!" She screams, holding up the papers my lawyer must of sent here. Dang he's good, I talked to him immediately after I left yesterday.

"Child custody papers." I say and lean on the door frame admiring her perfection.

"I'm not doing this Charlie!" She screams and throws papers at me. I stand back up and grunt,

"I want to see my daughter and this seemed like the only way, Meghan!" I scream back. She huffs and crosses her arms.

"I gave birth to her and raised her! You just met her! It's not fair! She's mine and I love her!"

"And you did great! Let me in now! Yes, I just met her but I love her!"

"You wouldn't know the meaning of the word love if it hit you on the stupid little eyebrow of yours!" She says runs her hands through her hair pulling it back. My heart breaks at her words and I grab her hips and smash our lips together.

Meghan's POV:
Charlie pulls me close to him and are lips touch. I feel fireworks and wrap my arms loosely around his neck. Oh, the things he does me. Charlie's hands start making their way up and down my sides and I giggle at the sensation, making him smirk. Still slightly panting, we pull apart and look into each other's eyes and smile. I hear footsteps and then a high pitched voice.

"Charles, baby. It has literally been like five minutes since you literally saw me! And-" You know when you hear people talk and you can just picture how they look without even looking at them? Especially if they have the tone of a petite whore? Well that is the case here. When I hear the voice I immediately jump and the only thing keeping me from falling is Charlie's muscular arms around my waist. Charlie lets go of me as soon as I'm on my feet and I look at his mistress. She is everything I'm not. She has long jet black hair that flaws gracefully down her back, olive tanned skin, auburn eyes, and is probably a size two.

"What the hell is literally happening right now?!" She yells.

"Eliza, go back inside...." Charlie whispers. I smack him across the face and start to storm off. Charlie grabs my wrist and then I hear another smack and then the sound of a door slamming. Charlie pulls me to him and I squirm under his hold.


"What? You'll cut my member off? Well it already has a death sentence." He retorts. I slump down to the sidewalk and cry silently.

"C-Charlie I c-can't do this! Just leave me and my family alone and go back to your sluts!" I shout.

"Meghan, I don't want them. I want you...."

"No! Please! Leave me alone! They everything I'm not and that's probably why you cheated! I know I am fat and fugly but you don't have to rub it in my face! LEAVE ME ALONE!"


"NO CHARLES! I HATE YOU AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE IT!" I scream and pull at my right wrist with my left. I try getting out of his hold but he just squats down to my right and massages it with him thumb.

"STOP KEEPING ME HOSTAGE! LET ME GO!" I scream. I see the bushes move and remember his paparazzi. Charlie must of noticed too because he covers my mouth.

"Meghan just listen to me. Don't you ever say you are fugly and most definitely not fat. I love you and messed up-" he starts but I bite his hand and he lets go of my mouth.

"Help! Paparazzi! You'll get the story-" I scream and his hand reconnects with my mouth. I try to scream but I'm then blinded when I see headlights pull into the driveway. The driver gets out and there stands my older brother, Ryan.

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