Chapter 16

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Meghan's POV:
I get into Theo's car and buckle my seatbelt. His car is small but very good looking. It smells like his cologne (that I got a small whiff of) and looks like it costs a lot.

"So who is that?" Theo smiles nodding his head towards the direction of my house.

"Well, that's complicated and can wait until our second date." I sigh and close my eyes.

"Wow, haven't even been on a first and already planning our next. I must be hitting it off." He smiles again. I laugh and smile back. He drives for awhile and we finally arrive at a huge restaurant. He parks in front of the entrance, gets out, and comes around to my side and opens my door.

"Why, thank you." I say and take his hand to help me up.

"No problem, M'lady." He replies and shows his pearly whites. He closes my door and tosses his keys to a man standing next to us. Theo holds out his arm and I slip mine under his and hold onto it. We walk in the atmosphere completely changes. The room has red velvet walls and high, glistening chandeliers. The restaurant is packed with people in tuxedos and dresses elegantly sipping wine. We make our way to the hostess and she sighs.

"Hello. Welcome to Lominico's."

"Hi, table for two please."

"The wait is a few months."

"Well there must be a misunderstanding." Theo replies and hands her, his ID.

"Oh! I am terribly sorry. Right this way." She says changing her tone quickly. She leads us to a table near a window and I gasp.

"This is beautiful." I say and release my grasp on Theo's arm. I look around the small closed off area and see candles, rose petals, and a gorgeous view. I sit down and Theo follows soon after. We both look at our menus and steal quick glances at each other. He is so hot. His hair is tousled and curly just like Charlie's. His eyes are lit up by the small candles scattered around making his green eyes look even more spectacular just like Charlie's. And his build is so good looking just like Charlie's. Theo must have seen me stare because he smiles and lets out his adorable laugh. I blush and try to divert my gaze away,

"So, what do you do for a living?" I ask.

"I'm a brain surgeon. You?" He says sets his menu down.

"Wow, I just make music." I say shyly. He grabs my hand and squeezes it,

"Well, I bet it's beautiful."

"Thanks." I reply getting goosebumps up and down my arm.

"So what are you getting?" I ask looking back at my menu.

"Well this is an Italian restaurant and I heard the make the best pizzas ever. So how does pizza sound?"

"Awesome. How did you know I love pizza?"

"Your profile."

"Oh yeah." I giggle. The waiter comes a few minutes later and Theo orders a cheese pizza and red wine to share.

"So tell me more about yourself." I say and scoot around the table so I am sitting closer to him.

"Well, I work at Saint Hope's Hospital. I usually don't get a lot of time off but I would try for a pretty girl like you. I have three sisters and I am the only boy my mother had. My dad is a business man and he owns a lot of restaurants like this one." He smiles.

"Oh my gosh. I was wondering how we got in here." I giggle.

"You look beautiful when you laugh." Theo smiles. I blush and soon our pizza comes. I grab a slice nd start eating.

"What about you? Tell me more about yourself." He says in between bites.

"Um. My name is Meghan Trainor. I love to sing, dance, and play instruments. I have two albums out and have reached number one on the charts numerous times. So I guess you could call me a popstar." I giggle.

"Well popstar. How would you feel if we had lunch tomorrow at the hospital? I'll give you a tour, you can meet my cowork-" He starts but I put my finger up to his lips.

"It sounds wonderful." I reply. He smiles and we finish up our dinner.

Mommy? [Marlie] (Slow Updates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora