Chapter 50

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Charlie's POV:
Still. No. Answer. I have texted, called, emailed, snapped, dm-ed- And Still. No. Answer. It's making me agitated and I'm home sick. I miss Meghan and Marlie so much it hurts. I have even made a plan to buy Marlie a phone when I get back so I can talk to her. Hailey has not been the best touring mate either. She keeps popping into my dressing room while I'm getting dressed and begs to talk about what happened. I threaten to call security and with a sigh, she leaves. I throw myself onto the bottom bunk and retrieve my phone from my pocket. I go onto Instagram and press the search button. I type in "Meghan_Trainor" and nothing pops up. What the fuck? Did she delete her Instagram? That can't be right, Meghan would never do that to her fans. I backspace and type in "Meghan" and thousands of fan pages appear. I click on one and I'm surprised at the amount of posts in the last twenty-four hours. Each fanpage keeps commenting about one thing, Maryl. Whatever the fuck that means. I wonder why it's on Meghan's fan pages though. It doesn't make sense. I create a new profile and start to investigate. I immediately go to Meghan's Instagram and stare at her recent posts. She has thousands of pictures and
from tour but nothing about Maryl. I search the hashtag and soon regret it. Maryl is like Marlie. Except, Marlie was ours. So Maryl is Meghan and Aryl? Who the fuck names their kid Aryl. I click on one of the posts and see my beautiful Meghan next to some guy. Wait! I know that guy! He's the kid from "Spy Kids"! What a dude. Wait. A dude that's trying to get with my wife.

"Jonathan!" I yell.

"I need another ticket to Meghan's next concert!"

Meghan's POV:
"Daryl!" I yell in pleasure. He continues and soon I give up and lay back, exhausted. He gets off of me and lays down on the bed next to me. I turn my head to him and see he is grinning,

"How did you know my weakness?" I giggle.

"Lucky guess." He chuckles.

"I hate being tickled!" I groan, smiling.

"Hey, at least it made you smile." He whispers kissing my temple and wrapping his arms around my waist. Did you think we were doing the nasty? Oh no. Not ready for that.

"Thank you for that." I sigh.

"And I'm sorry for posting that picture, I didn't realize it would blow up as much as it did." He sighs.

"It's fine. I guess I'm just stressed about Marlie's dad doing something crazy again."

"Speaking about Marlie's dad, you never told me his name. Who is it?"

"I don't wanna talk about it. It was more of a one night stand and I went through the pregnancy and five whole years alone before he ruined it." I mumble, playing with his curly hair.

"Okay. As long as he doesn't mess with my girlfriend." He grins. I smile and laugh slightly.

"So, another concert tomorrow and then we are heading to another state?" He asks.

"Yep. But tonight I'm free."

"Perfect. 'Cause we're going on a date."

"Really?" I ask looking up.

"Yup. Now it's a surprise and it's going to sadly be a double date but it still counts as a date."

"Okay! What should I dress for?" I ask.

"Casual, now hurry and get yourself ready." He smirks. I sit up and about to head to my closet but stop.

"What about Marlie?" I whisper.

"She is hanging out with Kelsey, supposedly they are working hard on learning a dance routine for a special event thingy."

"Thingy, huh?" I ask, giggling.

"Hey, those were the exact words." He laughs, putting his hands up in defense.

"Sure..." I giggle, walking into my closet. I can't wait for tonight.

[A/N: ;) ]

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