Chapter 17

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Month 3: Day 7:
Charlie's POV:
I wake up to my alarm blaring. I groggily push it off my nightstand it falls to the floor. But here's the thing about this stupid clock, it's like a lifeproof case so it continues to blare. I finally sit up, take it, and walk to balcony. I step back a little and throw it into the pool. Don't think, 'Charlie what about getting up now?' because that's the tenth one this month. I quickly pull some jogging pants on and tennis shoes and head downstairs. I usually wake up early but today I decided to get up extra early so I could go on a run. I jog around the hills by my house and gaze every few minutes at the sunrise. It's beautiful. Just like Meghan. I quickly run back to my house and shower up and get ready. Something feels off about today. Well, most months have been off. Ever since I caught Meghan in her underwear and made out with her, we've been distant lately and I hate it. She makes me feel like I did something wrong and I don't know what. But, today, this day, feels especially different. I have an odd feeling in my gut and my heart aches. I grab my to-go cup of coffee and head into my car. When I arrive at Meghan's house I notice that Jordon's car is there. Great. This is just what I needed. Jordon has hated me since the moment Meghan introduced me to her and has not been silent about hating our relationship. When we officially broke it off she threw a party. Literally, she had some celebrities go to her house and I wasn't allowed in. I head inside with the key Meghan gave me and up to Marlie's room. I take a quick peak and see someone sitting/laying on her bed. I look in and see Jordon on her phone with two pans in her lap. What the heck?

"Hey Jordon. Where's Meghan?" I ask.

"She went to the mall she will be back later." She replies, not looking up from her phone. I nod and head into Marlie's room to wake her up.

"Hey Princess." I say and stroke her hair.

"Daddy?" She asks sitting up. I smile and she hugs me. I decide to make breakfast and we eat together and then decide to do a movie marathon. After the fifth Disney princess movie I start to zone off and get on my phone. I look through Meghan's social media feeds and try to see what she's up to but she hasn't posted anything. I hear the front door unlock and like my question has been answered, Meghan runs upstairs and disappears. I decide to not go upstairs and wait for her to come back down and talk with me. An eternity later, I hear footsteps descending the staircase and see her slightly through the doorway. She looks my way and smiles. She comes over and messes with her bracelets and looks down at her arms. She has a beautiful black, sparkly dress on, makeup perfectly done, and the ends of her hair curled. She looks beautiful, sexy, and perfect. I turn back towards the television trying to hide the fact that I was staring at her.

"Where are you going all dressed up?" I say not looking away from the television.

"Not talkin'. Fine let me guess. It can't be a date, right?" I ask again. She lets out a shaky breath and I turn to meet her gaze.

"Actually, yes. I am going on a date." She says and slips on her shoes.

"Really? What happened with me a few weeks ago?" I say irritated and I get up from the couch. Does she not remember how much passion, happiness, love was there?

"Charlie, please. We can't do this. We fight too much and-" She says and I hear the doorbell ring. I run ahead of her and open the door. There stands a man in his late twenties. He has a bigger build than I do and I feel a little intimidated by him.

"Who are you?" I ask and cross my arms.

"Hi! I'm Theo, is Meghan here?" He asks and peeks through the door.

Mommy? [Marlie] (Slow Updates)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora