Chapter 11

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Charlie's POV:
"I'm telling you. I did nothing wrong!" I yell at my management team and lawyer. I can practically hear them roll their eyes. We are currently having a meeting about what's been going on lately. Right now we are discussing last night's events and I am regretting everything.

"We understand how you feel about the situation Charles, but that gives you no reason to keep Ms. Trainor hostage on your driveway." My lawyer says and looks through our statements.

"You're lucky she isn't pressing charges." He says and sets his glasses down on his pile.

"But what can I do?! I want to see my daughter!" I yell and pace around the room. My hands find my messy hair and I pull my fingers through it.

"How about we still file for child custody but since she is unwilling to give up her right to Marlie Otto Trainor, we will get privileges."

"What are 'privileges'?"

"They will be your rights to Marlie."

"Okay, and how do I get those?" I ask anxiously.

"Well, we need to impress the judge and Child Protective Services or CPS. So we will go after our meeting today to discuss what time she is willing for you and I to be there."

"But she will probably say nothing. She hates me."

"That's why we have a warrant. She has to give us time." I nod excitedly and head back to my house to get ready.

Meghan's POV:
"Meghan Trainor crying in front of fellow singer, Charlie Puth's house. Did she get rejected?" I say out loud and sigh.

"These headlines keep getting worse and worse. I swear, if I worked for a news company, I would at least try to be creative." Jordons says from the couch and sips some of her coffee.

"I know. At least this is the only one. Thank you for calling Ryan last night. I doubt Charlie will try to get Marlie again." I say happily.

"Where is the little angel anyway?" She asks looking around.

"Oh! She was invited next door for a playdate." I say and smile.

"She is really good at making friends." Jordon giggles. I nod and pop the cookies I have been making into the oven. They were really hard to make. I mean the cardboard in the bottom and the frozen pieces kept sticking together and then I had to place them right. Ugh. What? You thought I was making them from scratch? I can barely make cereal without making a mess. I set the timer and sit down on the couch with Jordon. I am barely able to say a word before the doorbell rings. I groan and get off the couch. I walk to the front door and open it.

"Yes?" I say and my eyes widen. Infront of a well dressed (if you count non-ripped jeans and a graphic t-shirt as a step up) Charlie stands a man about 50 years old with small, rectangular glasses, a suit, and a briefcase.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Hindenburg, Charlie's lawyer. May we come in?" He asks. I freak out for a moment and fiddle with the hem of my shirt.

"Hold on, I have to call my lawyer." I say and grab my phone from my back pocket.

Charlie's POV:
I poke my head around my lawyer to see Meghan's reaction. I see her mess with the hem of her shirt and I bite my lip. I remember the times where I would spontaneously push her up against the wall and she would fumble with her shirt making my want for her stronger. She pulls out her phone from her back pocket and starts talking. She hangs the phone up and looks back at us.

"Come on in. The only exception will be I am not discussing anything without my lawyer present." She says and walks away from the door. I step in first and walk the direction she went. She places cookies from a baking sheet onto a plate and I walk up to the counter. I grab one and she frowns.

"Those are for Marlie." She snaps and walks away. She sits on the longer couch with Jordon and my lawyer and I sit on the single seats. We just stare at each other for awhile and it starts to get super awkward.

"Soooo. Where's Marlie?" I ask breaking the silence.

"At a playdate next door." She says and sits back on the couch. We all hear a door open and snap our heads to the kitchen.

"Hello Meghan. Charles. Mr. Hindenburg." She says and shakes our hands. She sits down next to Meghan and opens her briefcase. She takes out a box and hits a button with a red circle on it.

"This is for the accountability for both our clients." She says to my lawyer. He nods and sit up slightly.

"Ms. Federman, could you please leave the room while we speak?" My lawyer asks Jordon. She nods and gets off the couch.

"I'll go check on Marlie." She says and leaves. Before I can speak my lawyer pipes up.

"This meeting will be discussing the custody of Marlie Otto Trainor. Plaintiff, Charles Otto Puth will be counseled by Mr. Hindenburg. Defendant, Meghan Elizabeth Trainor will be counseled by Miss Garrison." She speaks into the recording.

Charlie's POV:
After fighting for what seems like years, about dates and times we finally decide to end this meeting and have another one next week. Once our managers leave I beg Meghan to say hi to my daughter. She obliques and texts Jordon to bring her home. A few minutes later Marlie bursts through the door laughing. Meghan runs to her and picks her up.

"How was your playdate?!" She squeals.

"So much fun. Vinny and Lacey want me to come over tomorrow! Can I go?!" She grins widely.

"I don't know sweetie. You might have a fun day with Charlie planned." She says unexcitedly. Marlie looks over at me and grins. She whispers something to Meghan and she nods. She sets Marlie down and she runs over to me.

"Daddy, want to play dollies with me?" She squeals and jumps up and down. I nod and she leads me to her room. Her room is a beautiful light pink color an covered with papers of her drawings. She leads me over to her dollhouse and sits down. Okay, I'm not saying I ever played with dolls but I want to impress Marlie. She hands me a girl with a sparkly dress and blonde hair. I think back when we were touring and Meghan would always dress up in a glittery suit. Marlie starts talking and soon we are walking a dog named Cat to the waterpark.

Meghan's POV:
I head upstairs after twenty minutes. As I make my way up the staircase I hear giggling coming from her room. I stand outside the door and decide to listen for awhile.

"Charlie?" Marlie says.

"Hmmm?" He asks.

"Will you go out with my Mommy?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"Because she's lonely and needs a boyfriend and you're nice to both of us too."

"Well, I don't think your Mommy would like that. She doesn't seem to love me anymore....." He says. I decide I've heard enough and walk in.

"Marlie, lunch time." I say and pick her up. We all walk down the stairs and Charlie leaves.

"Hey, Meghan?" He asks before closing the door.


"How would you like to have coffee with me tomorrow?" He asks and smiles his cheeky grin. I move a strand of hair away from my face and blush. Why does he do this to me? Before I can speak he starts,

"Great. See you at our coffee shop at 3 PM tomorrow." He says and shuts the door.

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