Chapter 15

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Month 3: Day 7:
Meghan's POV:
I wake to Jordon banging on pans.

"Meghan Elizabeth Trainor. You need to wake up!" She yells. I throw my pillow over my head and groan.

"Why?" I beg.

"Well for starters Fancy is here." She says and I feel an indent in the bed.

"He is?! Why?"

"Don't worry, I called him. You need help getting ready for your date later." She replies and I can practically hear her grin. She has wanted me to move on from Charlie since I first met him. I groan and roll out of my bed.

"Okay, okay. Let me get dressed first." I reply and head to my closet.

"Can't let you do that, Fancy is taking you shopping." She says and picks at her nails. I sigh and put my hands on my hips.

"So he expects me to wear my hello kitty pajamas in public?" I ask.

"Yes." She says and I roll my eyes. I grab my phone and kiss a sleeping Marlie goodbye before heading outside. I find Fancy parked on the driveway in his convertible and smile.

"Hay girl." He says and smiles.


"So Jordon says you got a date. Who is it?" He asks excited.

"I guy I met on Tinder." I blush. He starts cracking up and pulls out of my driveway.

"Oh honey. We need to make this the date of the century. Marlie needs a father and you need to get laid." He says and soon we arrive at the mall. He parks at one of the parking lots and we get out. I giggle and blush,

"I do not need to get laid I almost had sex with Charlie a few weeks- oh god, I need to get laid." I sigh and Fancy laughs again.

"First stop; OUTFIT!" He exclaims and we head in. Soon we are looking at thousands of clothes.

"How about that!" Fancy exclaims and points to a mannequin.

"Nah to the ah to the no, no, NO!" I reply immediately and steer us to the dress section

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"Nah to the ah to the no, no, NO!" I reply immediately and steer us to the dress section.

"Okay, want do you want to look like?" He asks as he skims over the dresses.

"Well definitely not a whore. That's for sure." I reply and look through another rack. Soon, I am in the dressing room trying on tens on tens of dresses. Finally, we stop for a break and I sigh.

"How about that one?" I ask exhausted. Fancy looks at the mannequin and nods his head like crazy. He grabs it and pushes me into the dressing room.

"It's perfect!" Fancy exclaims and hands me a clutch and heels to go along with the dress

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"It's perfect!" Fancy exclaims and hands me a clutch and heels to go along with the dress. I squeal in delight and we check out. Fancy leads me to a nail salon and we start our pedicure with a massage chair.

"So, tell me about almost having sex with Charlie?" Fancy whispers. I blush and look down.

"I was running behind, he came early and I was in my underwear. And he kissed me and it turned heated until Marlie found us on the couch." I reply and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh sweetie. If you ever want to have sex, just call me and I will hang out with Marlie for you." Fancy smiles and leans back.

"I'll remember that." I say and giggle.

"So how is your boyfriend?" I ask after awhile.

"Oh honey, I broke up with that lying slut." Fancy sighs.

"Oh, well, you and me both." I say and squeeze his hand.

"Yeah, but there is this one guy that works at Sephora and honey, he is smoking hot!" Fancy exclaims.

"Well then next weekend we will get you ready for a date!" I laugh and Fancy nods. We finish getting our nails done and I ended up getting matte black on my toes and sparkly black on my fingers. Fancy, of course, got acrylics and a rainbow chevron on his fingers and matte black on his toes too.

"One last thing. Follow me." Fancy instructs and leads me back to his car. He starts driving and we end up at Starbucks. I squeal and head inside. We wait in line for a few minutes and order our favorite fraps. When we walk out Fancy sighs,

"So Emmy said she wanted to do your makeup so that's it for me."

"Awe, this was fun. We have to do it again next weekend, okay?" I ask and he nods. He drops me off at home and I immediately head upstairs. Emmy is already setting up and we start. An eternity later, I finally have my dress on, makeup done, and hair curled. I look smokin' for a single mom. I head downstairs and wait for my date to pick me up. I see Charlie on the couch watching television with Marlie and smile.

"Where are you going all dressed up?" He asks not looking away from the television.

"Not talkin'. Fine let me guess. It can't be a date, right?" He asks again. I let out a shaky breath and Charlie turns to meet me gaze.

"Actually, yes. I am going on a date." I say and slip on my shoes.

"Really? What happened with me a few weeks ago?" He says and gets up from the couch.

"Charlie, please. We can't do this. We fight too much and-" I say and hear the doorbell ring. Charlie runs ahead of me and opens the door.

"Who are you?" Charlie asks and crosses his arms.

"Hi! I'm Theo, is Meghan here?" He asks and peeks through the door.

"Yes, I'm right here." I say and push past Charlie.

"Wow babe. You look gorgeous." Theo says and smiles. I grin and link arms with him.

"Well, we should get going. Nice meeting you-"

"-Charlie. And I expect her here before 10 PM. Got it?" Charlie says and I see he has a vain popping out on the side of his neck, indicting he is furious.

"Seriously?" I ask. He nods and Theo laughs,

"Got it." He says and we head to his car.

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