Chapter 10

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Charlie's POV:
I immediately let go of Meghan's mouth when I see Ryan get out of his car. I fall backwards from squatting and pray to not get beat up.

"Ryan...." Meghan whispers.

"Charles what the hell happened here?" He says helping Meghan up. He makes sure she is okay and then walks over to me.

"What the hell did you do to her?" He yells and grabs my new white shirt.

"I-I wanted t-to t-talk...." I say stuttering.

"And why is she crying?" He says and tightens his grip.

"I-I don't k-know. I-I just wanted t-talk t-to her." I say and shrink back. I hear a car door slam and I look and see Meghan in her car. Ryan looks over too and drops me to the ground.

"If you ever hurt her again. I will come after you." He says and goes to Meghan's car.

Meghan's POV:
I don't know what to do. Marlie wants her father in her life and he does too. I can't seem to make up my mind. I love him but he was cheating on me and we weren't even together to begin with! I hear a knock on my window and Ryan with a small smile. I open the window slightly and sigh.


"Jordon called me and said she was worried when you stormed off and didn't come back. She thought you came over here and asked if I could come by." He says and rubs his temples.

"I'm fine..... now." I say and sigh.

"Come on. You can't drive in a state like this. I'll drive you home."

"What about my car?"

"I'll call a tow truck and-"

"Ryan. I'm fine. I just need to be alone for a few minutes." I say and give a small smile.

"Meghan you know happened last time you were in this condition and drove....." Ryan warns.
I nod my head sadly and my hand finds one of my many scars.

I drove up to my house excited. I had just finished promo and desperately wanted Charlie's embrace. I parked in the driveway and decided to leave my luggage in for now. I want Charlie and then I can get my clothes. I walk quietly into my house and smile. I tiptoe upstairs and yell,

"Charlie I'm home!" I giggle a little and look around the room. He isn't in our room. Where is he? I hear movement and sounds from the living room and walk downstairs. I stop in my tracks at the sight in front of me. Charlie is laying down with Haillee on top of him. Doing the thing I wanted all through promo.

"Charlie don't ever speak to me again! Get out of my house!" I yell. Hailee grabs her clothes and quickly slips on a t-shirt and pants and runs away. I storm off and put my hair into a ponytail along the way.

"Meghan! Wait!" Charlie yells. I turn around and clench my fists.

"I told you stop talking to me!" I yell.

"Meghan! What was I supposed to do? My hormones seemed out of whack and I couldn't even say we were together!" He yells. I walk out of my house slam the door in his face and pull out my phone walking up to my car,

"Everything out by tonight or it's sold."

I get into my car and drive off. I get onto the main road and feel my emotions start to overtake me. My tears start to fall rapidly and I put my turn signal on to move off to the side so I can calm down. I start to move over and then I feel nothing. Everything moves in slow motion. My body being tossed through the front window, my car flipping and landing on top of my already, limp body. I thought I was dead. I heard sirens in the distance but closed my eyes too soon. I could practically see myself laying on the pavement. I wanted to desperately die but something told me not too. Another life was counting on me. I didn't care if it was Charlie's, Jordon's, or even my family. I wanted to die. My stomach moves and I sigh. How can I be hungry when I'm- I'm pregnant. I start to cry but nothing comes out. I begged to go back to my body. All I knew was I wanted this baby to live. Soon, everything vanishes. I can't walk, I can't move. It feels like I am sleeping but conscious. It was black nothingness for what seemed like hours, I start to feel the nothingness move and I wake up in my body again, aching. My whole body was hurting. I hear my heart monitor going off and tubes are down my throat.

"Meghan! Calm down, sweetie. You have been unconscious for a week and you need to calm down for the baby's sake." My mothers says. I sigh and start to cry. And that time I didn't cry because of Charlie, I cried my baby was alive.

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