Chapter 19

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Charlie's POV:
I slam the door shut with tears already forming in my eyes. I really thought we had a shot. I sling my coat onto my right shoulder and fish for my car keys. I walk up go the driver's seat of the car and look back at the house that once was so full of happiness and love. I sigh and get into my car. I slam the door shut and start it up. My phone lights up and I ignore it and back out of the driveway. I manage to get out of the area her house is in and onto the main road before my phone lights up again. I pull into a shopping area and park in a parking lot. I pick my phone up and scroll through the notifications. Most of them are from Jordon talking about how Meghan is still crying and refuses to text me herself and a bunch of other crap. A new message appears and I scroll back up to it.

"You fucking asshole. You left and now I am here to pick up the pieces AGAIN. And now it isn't just Meghan it's Marlie too."

Shit. I forgot I yelled at Marlie earlier.

"Can I please talk to Marlie?"

"He's alive 😱"

"Ha-ha. Very funny."

"Sorry Asshole, ladies only tonight."

"There's a loophole."

"Correction. No one named Charles Otto Puth Jr. is allowed in this household."

"Jordon, she's my daughter too."

"Well, I don't think you want to hear her screaming and crying that her 'daddy' yelled at her and doesn't love her."

My fingers stop typing and my body tenses. My daughter hates me. My girlfriend, wait, I can't even call her that, Meghan hates me. I throw my phone to the seat beside me and put my face into my hands. Shit. Why am I like this? I try getting back to together, she doesn't want to. We try seeing other people, she doesn't want to. What am I supposed to do? I massage my temples with my finger tips and slide my hands down my face. Wet tears start streaming down my face and I start sobbing. I then realize that I am not home and I am at some random parking lot. I grab my phone off of the seat beside me and text Jonathan to come get me. I doubt I will be able to drive home in this state. I wipe my tears and open FaceTime and click on my mother's name. It rings and rings and then she finally picks up.

"Charles!" She exclaims.

"H-Hey Mom." I manage out. I see her face soften and worry cross her face.

"What's wrong?"


"What do you mean? Use your words honey."


"Meghan Trainor? The girl you slept with or the other girl?"



"This-s is a l-long story."

"Well, your father isn't off work yet and both of the twins are God knows where. So, I'm all ears." She smiles. I manage to give a small smile and breathe in and back out.

"Meghan and I..... We were best friends and then we decided we wanted more. So, we started having sex. I know, I know, it sounds cliché but I really thought we were soulmates. The thing getting in our way was the same thing that brought us together, fame. We couldn't do anything public so we started drifting away and she went on promo. Stupid me decided that I was really lonely and had sex with another singer, Hailee. And Meghan caught us having sex-"

"Wait. How did she know?"

"We.... kinda.... sorta.... had sex on her couch in her house."

"OH MY GOD CHARLES. I thought I raised you better than this."

"I know Mom. And I have to live with it for the rest of my life. And I realized 5 years after that incident that.... that.... Meghan was pregnant. A-And it was my baby."

"Oh my."

"I saw her with a little girl at the beach a few months ago and s-she looked just like me Mom."

"I have a grandchild?"


"I have to meet her."

"That's the problem..... I really messed up.... Again. And I don't know how to fix it."



"What's her name?"


"What does she look like?"

"She... She... She has beautiful long curly hair like me and shimmering emerald eyes like Meghan. She has the Puth nose and Meghan's gorgeous smile. She's perfect." I smile at the thought of Marlie and Meghan and all our laughs and how much fun we had when we weren't fighting. I am pulled out of my trance when I hear sniffling. I look at my screen and realize my mom is crying.


"I'm sorry.... It's just.... It seems like you really love them."

"I do."

"Then that's worth fighting for." She smiles and I nod. I am going to have to fight for my family and I don't care how hard or long it takes, I need them in my life.

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