Chapter 18

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Meghan's POV:
"Thanks, I had a great time tonight." I say as we are walking up the sidewalk. The cool air sweeping through me and making me shiver. We make it to the last step and I smile up at him. The front porch light illuminating his face.

"Me too." He replies and leans in. I lean in too but then decide against it and turn my head. He kisses my cheek. I blush and soon the door opens.

"Goodbye Leo." Charlie says and pulls me my arm in and shuts the door. I quickly recover and glare at him.

"You're late." He replies and looks at me.

"And you are not my dad, boyfriend, or anything!" I yell and start to walk away.

"Okay. Fine. I'm done trying to please you anyway."

"Wait. Wh-What do you mean 'I'm done' and 'please you'?" I ask.

"I met a girl and we are having dinner tomorrow."


"You have Leo and I have Hailey."

"But I still...."

"Still what?" Huh?! Love me?! Because you are doing a damn bad job of showing it!" He yells.

"But I do Charlie! I really love you!" I yell back and start to feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Then why don't you show it?!" He says and his fists clench.

"Because every time I see you, I see you on the couch with Hailee!"

"Get over that Meghan!"

"I can't Charles! It's every. fucking. time."

"Well it's over now. Whenever I see Marlie you don't have to look at me or see me at all!" He yells and I break. I sink to the floor, my back sliding down the cold wooden door. I sit down on the front carpet with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Okay." I say quietly.



"Listen, you didn't want me......" Charlie says and crouches down in front of me.

"Yeah. But that doesn't mean I want you to want anyone else." I sniffle.

"Well then what do I do? Honestly, if you were me and you didn't want me, and you are seeing another man, what do I do?" He asks.

"I-I would find someone e-else." I manage out.

"Okay then." He says and stands back up. He grabs his coat and puts it on and opens the door.

"Night." He says and closes it. I sit there motionless and tears falling at an alarming rate. Oh, Charlie. If you only knew......

So I try to shake you out my head,
Try to dance with somebody new.
So I know it's pointless anyway,
Cause there ain't nobody else....
That could light me up so bright
And break this crazy spell.

Up all night.
Up all night.
All the things that you said to me yesterday,
Playing over in my mind.
It's a crime.
It's a crime.
How you're reeling me in with the games you play,
Then you hang me out to dry.

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