Chapter 39 [Happy New Year!]

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Charlie's POV:
Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit! What the fuck did I do?! Oh right! I saved our daughter but I guess that doesn't matter to Meghan! It's been at least five hours since Meghan sent that text and I've been drinking for two of them. My once bachelor pad, is now my personal bar. I grab my beer bottle and sip at it. When I realize it's empty, I throw it at the door and grab another one. Suddenly my door opens, and my head snaps to it. My brother steps in and he sighs,

"Dude! What are you doing?"

"Go away Stephen. I'm drinking away my problems."

"Um. I don't think Meg-"

"Listen 'dude' I don't care what you think. I'm older than you and you aren't the one who messed up his life as much as I did. I'm just a big disappointment."

"Charlie! You are not a big disappointment. I look up to you a lot. Listen, I didn't come in here myself. It's Mikaela. She was worried about you and sent-"

"Why didn't she just come in here herself?!"

"Because she is downstairs eating dinner with both families and I offered to come."

"Whatever." I whisper.

"Now. Would you like to join us?"


"Why Charlie?!"

"Is Ryan going to attack me again?"

"Highly doubt it."


"He's..... distracted."

"What do you mean?"

"He's flirting with Mikky." Stephen whispers. I stand up from my bed and storm out of my room. I take the elevator to the ground floor and storm into the mostly vacant restaurant; only our families remain.

"Charlie! Hi! Join us!" My mother says. The table turns eerily quiet and everyone looks at me. Ryan's head comes up from talking with my sister and he smiles,

"Oh, hey Charlie! Yeah, join us! Your sister is such a sweet girl. We were just talking about childhood memories!" He says and points to a vacant seat. I give small smile and walk over to the seat which is next to Mikaela. I sit down and a waiter gives me a bowl of salad. I start to eat and look down. Everyone's conversations begin again and I remain silent. I take my phone out again and try texting Meghan for the millionth time.

"Come on, please...."

"Talk to me."

I'm startled when I hear my name being said and I look up.

"So what's going on with you and Meghan?" Fancy asks. Stephen hits him and they give each other evil stares.

"Charlie, hunny. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to. We all agreed to not bring it up but we are just so worried." My mom says. I shake my head and look at my salad.

"It's fine. I just- I just don't really know what's going to happen. I keep texting her and she isn't answering me." I whisper. Mr. Trainor gives me the stink eye while her mom frowns.

"She probably just need some time." My moms says and runs her hand up and down my back. I nod and the conversations begin again. After dinner, everyone heads up to their rooms and gets ready for bed. I drag myself to the elevator and then to my room. I get into my room and collapse on my bed. I start to drift off to sleep when I feel my phone vibrate. I sit up quickly and press the power button my phone lights up but then the logo appears. What the fuck?! NOW it dies?! When I need it the most?! I huff and rummage for my charger. I find it in my bag and run to an outlet. I plug everything in and slump down beside it. It finally turns back on and I go to my messages. I look at the missed message and frown. It's only Jonathan.

"Charlie! How are you? I scheduled a meeting tomorrow at 11 AM with management. Please make it!"


I throw my phone on the bed beside me and throw my head back into my pillow. I hear the door open and the person steps in. I hear the bed beside me squeak and Stephen chuckles.

"I don't think there is better reception on this bed." He says.

"Ha-Ha. Smart ass." I reply.

"Hey, I need somewhere to chill. Mom, Dad, and I are going back to Jersey tomorrow." He says and takes off his shoes.

"Do whatever you want."

"Thanks!" He replies and I can hear the eye roll. He turns off the light and it's silent for a few minutes.


"I swear if you say one more thing- your ass is sleeping in the hallway."

"Jeez. I was just going to say if you really want to see her go to her concert. Goodnight to you too."

And there I was.

Battling with my mind.

My career or my family.

Miss an important meeting or miss an opportunity?

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