Chapter 21

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Meghan's POV:
I head downstairs after I finish my outfit and grab my car keys off the table by the door. I stroll into the kitchen and I see Jordon at the table with Marlie and Charlie nowhere in sight. I look around and Jordon sighs,

"Did he-"


"And you-"


"And I-"


"I love how we know what the other is exactly going to say." I giggle. Jordon nods and takes another bite of her lunch. Marlie has headphones on and her iPad is playing Bubble Guppies. She occasionally eats her chips or sandwich but continues to watch it, ignoring the outside world. I kiss the top of her head and say goodbye to Jordon. I head outside and unlock my car. I open my car door and get in and start the ignition. I pull out of the driveway and and head to the interstate. When I arrive at the hospital, I park in a parking garage and head into the main entrance. I walk up to a counter labeled "Welcome Desk" and smile at the lady at the front desk. She has short blonde hair in sort of a pixie cut and green eyes. She is wearing light pink scrubs and a name-tag on the pocket. Brenda.

"Welcome to Saint Hope's Hospital. What can I do for you?" She asks organizing a stack of papers infront of her.

"Hello. I'm here to have lunch with my boyfriend, Theo Lomonico."

"Oh um. I don't think he has lunch plans...."


"Wait. Are you a fan?" She asks and smiles.

"No..... Why?"

"Dr. Lominco usually doesn't date people of your.... type." Excuse me, bitch?! Who do you think you are?! I cannot believe you said that! I think.

"What?" I actually reply, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Could you please leave or I will call- Dr. Lomonico!" She says and looks to the side. I look over and see him standing there smiling. His hair is a curly mess on his head and he occasionally runs a hand through it. He has his classic, beautiful, smile on and his eyes glitter. His tux has been replaced with dark green scrubs on and a lab coat overtop. He walks over to us and turns to Brenda.

"Hello Brenda. How are you today?"

"Very good sir." She replies and tucks a stand of her hair behind her ear and blushes. I roll my eyes and look back at Theo. He smiles and takes my hand into his. It tingles when they touch and I gasp.

"I see you met Meghan. We are going to have lunch a lot so I will be needing a permanent pass made for her." He says and smiles. She nods and he pulls me away from the desk. He leads me down millions of hallways and doors and everyone that passes by us, smiles and waves at us. I keep close to him and squeeze his hand tighter. We reach the cafeteria and he leads me to the line.

"I hope hospital food is okay for today." He smiles slightly.

"It's perfect." I reply and kiss his cheek. He blushes and smiles.

"HE-O!" Someone yells. We both turn around and I see another doctor coming towards us and smiling.

"Hey Marcus!" Theo replies and high-fives him.

"Who is the chick?" Marcus asks and not so discretely whispers.

"Meghan, my girlfriend." He replies and puts his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him. I smile at his protectiveness and remember when Charlie used to do that to me around other guys that even looked at me. God, why am I thinking about him? I'm with Theo. A guy who actually cares and loves me. I smile and shake his hand.

"Wow. Girlfriend, eh?"

"Mmmhmmm." I reply and smile. Marcus nods and smiles again. Theo and Marcus continue making small talk as we move along the line and I smile at his adorableness. But for some awful reason, no matter the conversation, I always think of Charlie...

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